Foreword by Robert W. Creamer
Prologue: The Messersmith-McNally Decision
Part I: John Montgomery Ward and the Bitter Legacy of the Players League Revolt of 1890
1. The Rebellion of the Brotherhood of Professional Baseball Players in 1889
2. The Rise and Fall of the Players League of 1890
Part II: The Age of Fitful Fraternity, 1900-1920
3. Ban Johnson and the Rise of the American League and the Failure of the Players Protective Association
4. David Fultz and the Creation of the Professional Baseball Players Fraternity of 1912
5. The Rise and Fall of the Federal League and the Players Fraternity
Part III: The Age of Landis, 1921-1944
6. The Shield of Holmes and the First Years of Commissioner Landis
7. A Czar Tries to Achieve Democracy
Part IV: 1946: Year of the Great Challenges
8. A Tale of Three Veterans
9. A Prophetic Failure: Robert Murphy and the American Baseball Guild of 1946
10. Gardella vs. Chandler: The Case that Almost Toppled a Monopoly
Part V: Seedlings of Change in a Quiet Decade
11. The Celler Sub-Committee Hearings of 1951
12. The Birth of the Major League Baseball Players Association
Part VI: The Coming-of-Age of the Major League Baseball Players Association
13. The Arrival of Marvin Miller
14. Curt Flood and the End to the Perpetual Reserve Clause
Part VII: The Wars of the Monopolies: Players Versus Owners, 1980-1990
15. The Showdown of 1981: The Unprecedented 51-day Strike
16. Old Wine in New Bottles: From Strike to Collusion to Lockout
Epilogue: The Cataclysmic Strike of 1994 and the Recovery
Bibliographical Notes
Glossary of Terms