
Jane Ferreyra


Apart from spending four years with the Hawk Migration Association of North America, my professional background is wholly devoted to publishing, from commercial to academic, with my beginnings in acquisitions. A native Detroiter, I was fortunate to direct the press at Wayne State University for fifteen years and am elated to lead the stellar press of the University of Nebraska. I received my BA from Indiana University–Bloomington and my MA from Wayne State, where my academic work centered on visual culture. I am captivated by books and the people and processes behind them. I continue to be greatly influenced by John Berger’s Ways of Seeing and I read primarily nonfiction, in pretty much any subject area. I enjoy traveling, doing crossword puzzles over a lazy breakfast, and working on jigsaw puzzles during vacations in northern Michigan. I live in downtown Lincoln with my wonderful husband, Cristian, and our two dogs and two cats.

Leif Milliken

Rights and Permissions Coordinator

I work with contracts, permissions, and subsidiary rights for all our imprints. I have been working with the Press since 2010. I graduated with a BA in history from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 2006.

Erika Rippeteau

Grants and Development Coordinator

I earned an MA in social sciences from the University of Chicago. I began my publishing career in 1997 in UNP’s marketing department. In 2005 I moved into grants and development. I am grateful that my job connects me with books, ideas, and bright, interesting people.