Foreword by R. James Woolsey
Preface by Boyd Griffin
Introduction by Hal Bernton
List of Illustrations
1. Power Alcohol Comes of Age
2. The Pioneers of Gasohol
3. The Return of the Farm Alcohol Movement
4. Rebirth of the Power Alcohol Industry
5. The Politics of Alcohol Fuel
6. Agriculture: The Limits of the Land
7. Brazil: A Quest for Self-Reliance
8. Alcohol in Engines
9. The Environment
10. Alcohol Future
Appendix A: Chemistry and Production Processes of Alcohol
Appendix B: Economics of Ethanol by Chris Hurt, Wally Tyner, and Otto Doering
Appendix C: An International Historical Survey of Alcohol Fuel Programs: 1910-1960
Appendix D: Books on Making Alcohol Fuel
Reference Notes
Selected Bibliography