The Home Place


The Home Place

Dorothy Thomas
Illustrated by Ruth Gannett

239 pages


September 1966


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About the Book

This tale of a Nebraska farm by an author who lived in the state for many years won wide critical acclaim.


“As a writer of the short, pungent tale, Miss Thomas can have but few superiors. Her work is firm and disciplined. She makes the richest possible use of such details of midwest agrarian life as she chooses so economically.”—Saturday Review of Literature

“A realist of no mean order, as Ma Jeeter's Girls showed, [Miss Thomas's] work has humor, warmth, a kind of homely solidity.”—New York Times Book Review

“Miss Thomas tells the story with keen insight and sympathetic understanding, supplementing her picture with an authentic background and an eye for detail which vivify the whole narrative.”—Christian Science Monitor

“It is only when the story is finished that the reader realizes he has actually been living for a year in a very small house with an extremely large and united family—and that his understanding has been greatly enriched by the experience.”—Boston Transcript

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