"More than corn grows tall on the American Plains. Here for the delectation of amateur folklorists is a collection of country whoppers from the frontier of Nebraska, Oklahoma and Iowa—funny and fantastic yarns and anecdotes of pioneer vintage that belie the erroneous notion that the men and women who settled the Plains were 'grimly serious' forerunners of Grant Wood's farming couple."—Publishers Weekly
"The compiler of A Treasury of Nebraska Pioneer Folklore [also a Bison Book] has now collected tall tales, lies, and fantabulous descriptions from the Plains states. These constitute a jackpot of pioneer humor; and by making them available in one volume, the author has preserved a lively segment of popular culture."—Library Journal
"Roger Welsch has an uncanny facility for producing books in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Like his earlier Sod Walls: The Story of the Nebraska Sod House, this volume is a collection of many bits and pieces that, taken as a whole, present a vivid picture of life on the American prairie."—Journal of American Folklore