1. First, a Story
2. Introduction
3. A Beginning
4. Beyond the Handgame
5. History, Long and Short
6. Who Are We?
7. The Call of Curiosity, Keep the Change
8. Enter the Wannabes
9. What's in a Name
10. Who Is "The Indian"?
11. Who Is the Wannabe?
12. The Contrary Lesson of the Prime Directive
13. First Steps
14. The Fix Is Out
15. Indian Wannabes
16. Gottabes
17. Becoming New
18. How It Goes, How It Went
19. The Plot Thickens
20. Why?
21. Gottabes Again
22. The Ways of Foodways
23. Carnivores Forever
24. Another World
25. The Consequences of Incuriosity
26. Symbols and Realities
27. Indian Humor
28. Names and Naming
29. The Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger of 1877
30. Names . . . and Names
31. Matters of Faith
32. Deduction/Induction
33. What Is Indian Religion?
34. The Sun Dance
35. The Native Church
36. Inside Native Religion
37. Knowing What We Don't Know
38. What History Teaches Us
39. The Empty Frontier
40. Indians Today
41. Indians as Americans
42. The Land
43. The Real Wonder of It
44. Eloquence
45. From Presumed Inferiority to Rampant Egalitarianism
46. Time
47. Property and Gifts
48. The Gift of Giving
49. The Fabric of Sharing
50. The Spirit of Giving
51. Squaring the Circle
52. So, How Different Are We?
53. What We See
54. Indians and Deeper Truths
55. Conclusions
56. Repositories of Wisdom
57. What's in It for Indians?
58. So You Wannabe a Wannabe?