“In Thought and Action: The Enigmatic Life of S. I. Hayakawa traces the fascinating life of an iconic American writer, teacher, politician, and family man. In the process, authors Gerald W. Haslam and Janice E. Haslam tell us a lot about the culture wars of the 20th century—and of American identity itself. The authors’ many fans will be delighted by this definitive biography, as will students, scholars, and teachers of ethnic studies, California history, and American politics.”—Jonah Raskin, author of American Scream: Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” and the Making of the Beat Generation
"Haslam (with his own wife as partner) was a good choice for biographer. . . . [An] absorbing study of a surprising, multifaceted life."—Kirkus
"This intimate and detailed biography draws on interviews with friends and family members, as well as Hayakawa's own papers and journals, to bring this controversial and fascinating figure to life."—Rafu Shimpo
"Always a pioneer, Hayakawa showed consistent fearlessness in adopting an American identity despite racism, in marrying across the color line, in pursuing general semantics, and in opposing young rebels. This excellent biography uses copious papers and numerous interviews to emphasize Hayakawa's individuality and complexity. . . . Discussing both Hayakawa's virtues and his defects, the book is thorough, readable, and sympathetic."—W. J. Rorabaugh, Journal of American History
"Haslam and his wife, Janice, have done a brilliant job in this timely biography."—Jud Snyder, Community Voice
"An ingenious portrait."—Greg Robinson, Nichi Rei