An Evolving Vision


An Evolving Vision

The James Collection, 1997–2022

Carolyn Ducey, Marin F. Hanson, and Penny McMorris

300 pages
1,160 color photographs


July 2022


$52.00 Add to Cart

About the Book

In 2022 the International Quilt Museum (IQM) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln celebrates a quarter century of studying, preserving, and exhibiting the Ardis and Robert James Collection. The Jameses’ donation of their unparalleled one-thousand-piece collection in 1997 established the IQM and formed the solid base from which the museum has steadily grown. Today, the museum’s collection includes more than six thousand quilts from five different centuries and over fifty countries, an expansion that has been encouraged by the James family, who continue to support the museum’s efforts to represent global quiltmaking.

This companion publication to the exhibition An Evolving Vision, 1997–2022 highlights important pieces from various segments of the collection: Classics—stunning antique American quilts; From the Studio—early and innovative art pieces; and New Horizons—quilt traditions from around the world. This book also includes a comprehensive catalog of the James Collection, comprising the quilts from the original 1997 gift as well as important groups given to the IQM in 2006 and 2009. An Evolving Vision documents the significance of the James Collection and underscores the broad vision its collectors developed not only for themselves but for the museum they so vitally helped shape.

Author Bio

Carolyn Ducey is the Ardis B. James Curator of Collections at the International Quilt Museum (IQM) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and coeditor of American Quilts in the Industrial Age, 1760–1870Marin F. Hanson is the IQM’s curator of international collections and coeditor of American Quilts in the Modern Age, 1870–1940. Penny McMorris is an author, television producer, independent curator, and partner in the Electric Quilt Company, a quilt software design firm.

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