
Manjit Kaur

Journals Manager

I was born in Malaysia and moved to the United States to study. I received my BA and MA in English from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. After interning at the Press, I was hired as the first Journals assistant editor and soon after promoted to Journals manager. I have served on both the AUP’s Diversity Task Force Committee and the Program Committee, and on the SSP Membership Committee. I have also chaired the AUP Scholarly Journals Committee and presented at the annual AUP meeting.

Joyce Gettman

Assistant Journals Manager

I joined the University of Nebraska Press in 2004 after stints in marketing management, market research, and product development for a number of manufacturing and service businesses. I am a graduate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with BSBA and MBA degrees and doctoral-level coursework in marketing, and I have taught marketing and management courses at Southeast Community College.

Lacey Losh

Graphic Designer/Compositor

I earned an Associate’s Degree in Visual Publications from Southeast Community College in 2004. I started my University of Nebraska–Lincoln career in 2005 in the Agronomy & Horticulture Department and I moved to UNL Print Services in 2006. In 2016 I began working as a graphic designer/compositor with UNP.

Shannyn McEntee

Project Supervisor

I graduated from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with a BA in English and classics and religious studies. I started working with UNP in 2020 as an acquisitions intern and later joined the Journals team full-time in 2021.