Notes on Translations
1. Genesis (Bere’shit)
Bere’shit: The Need to Connect with Others
Noaḥ: Talking to the Divine
Lekh Lekha: Taking Our Next Step
Va-yera’: Cultivating the Spiritual Practice of Hospitality
Ḥayyei Sarah: Spiritual Protest
Toledot: Spiritual Conflict Resolution
Va-yetse’: Yearning for a Personal Encounter with God
Va-yishlaḥ: Transforming Heel Consciousness to Face Consciousness
Va-yeshev: Navigating Our Inner Opposing Personalities
Mikkets: Removing Our Disguises to Show Our True Selves
Va-yiggash: Seeking and Granting Forgiveness
Va-yeḥi: Finding Favor in Others
2. Exodus (Shemot)
Shemot: Overcoming Habitual Behaviors
Va-’era’: Awareness of the Divine in Our Midst
Bo’: Inner Self-Renewal
Be-shallaḥ: Jumping into Our Own Sea of Mystery
Yitro: Spiritual Intimacy
Mishpatim: Doing before Understanding
Terumah: Creating the Inner Home for the Divine
Tetsavveh: Being in Service
Ki Tissa’: The Inherent Value of Every Person
Va-yak’hel / Pekudei: Transforming the Ordinary into Wonder
3. Leviticus (Va-yikra’)
Va-yikra’: Hearing Our Individual Calling
Tsav: Keeping Our Inner Fire Burning
Shemini: A Time to Remain Silent
Tazriaʽ / Metsoraʽ: Spiritual Self-Care
’Aḥarei Mot / Kedoshim: Letting Go of the Me to Be with the We
’Emor: Loving Peace and Pursuing Peace
Be-har / Be-ḥukkotai: Taking a Leap of Faith
4. Numbers (Be-midbar)
Be-midbar: Ascending the Ladder of a Sinai Consciousness
Naso’: Creating Soul-to-Soul Connections
Be-haʽalotekha: Receiving a Second Chance
Shelaḥ-Lekha: Cultivating Self-Confidence
Koraḥ: Healing an Inflated Sense of Self
Ḥukkat / Balak: Using the Power of Speech to Enhance the Quality of Life
Pinḥas: Cultivating Shepherd Leadership
Mattot / Maseʽei: The Wondrous Journey to Your Soul
5. Deuteronomy (Devarim)
Devarim: Discovering Our Inner Moral Compass
Va-etḥannan: Loving Life with All Our Heart, Soul, and Might
ʽEkev: Reimagining Mitzvot as a Source to Shine Our Inner Light
Re’eh: Seeing the Potential Blessing in Each Moment
Shofetim: Cultivating Wholeheartedness
Ki Tetse’: Eliciting Compassion to Flow from Above
Ki Tavo’: Dynamically Walking in the Eternal’s Ways
Nitsavim / Va-yelekh: Connecting in Vulnerability
Ha’azinu: Remembering Our Third Parent
Ve-zo’t ha-berakhah: Touching Immortality