Native American and Indigenous Studies Sale

The University of Nebraska Press is the proud publisher of one of the most distinguished lists in Native American and Indigenous Studies around. Spanning deft explorations of oral literatures and languages, bracing memoirs and firsthand accounts, and groundbreaking studies of native rituals and beliefs, the books presented here are all 50% OFF and represent our most recent offerings in this ever expanding discipline. Just enter coupon code 6NAT23 in your shopping cart, then click “Apply.” This offer expires November 30, 2023 and is good on U.S. and Canadian shipments only.

The Storied Landscape of Iroquoia

History, Conquest, and Memory in the Native Northeast

In the Land of the Grasshopper Song

Two Women in the Klamath River Indian Country in 1908-09, Second Edition

The Life of Ten Bears

Comanche Historical Narratives

The Omaha Language and the Omaha Way

An Introduction to Omaha Language and Culture

Basket Diplomacy

Leadership, Alliance-Building, and Resilience among the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, 1884–1984

Unfair Labor?

American Indians and the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago

Three Fires Unity

The Anishnaabeg of the Lake Huron Borderlands

Native Acts

Indian Performance, 1603-1832

The Imperial Gridiron

Manhood, Civilization, and Football at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School

How the West Was Drawn

Mapping, Indians, and the Construction of the Trans-Mississippi West

Blood in the Borderlands

Conflict, Kinship, and the Bent Family, 1821–1920

Picturing Indians

Native Americans in Film, 1941–1960

Some Things Are Not Forgotten

A Pawnee Family Remembers

Chiricahua and Janos

Communities of Violence in the Southwestern Borderlands, 1680-1880

Gifts from the Thunder Beings

Indigenous Archery and European Firearms in the Northern Plains and Central Subarctic, 1670-1870

The Yamasee Indians

From Florida to South Carolina

The Borderland of Fear

Vincennes, Prophetstown, and the Invasion of the Miami Homeland

Phantom Past, Indigenous Presence

Native Ghosts in North American Culture and History

Cherokee Sister

The Collected Writings of Catharine Brown, 1818-1823

Ojibwe Stories from the Upper Berens River

A. Irving Hallowell and Adam Bigmouth in Conversation

Native American Son

The Life and Sporting Legend of Jim Thorpe

So, How Long Have You Been Native?

Life as an Alaska Native Tour Guide

Song of Dewey Beard

Last Survivor of the Little Bighorn


How Stolen People Changed the World

The Newspaper Warrior

Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891

Lethal Encounters

Englishmen and Indians in Colonial Virginia

Birch Coulie

The Epic Battle of the Dakota War

The Bungling Host

The Nature of Indigenous Oral Literature

Colonial Mediascapes

Sensory Worlds of the Early Americas

Bull Trout's Gift

A Salish Story about the Value of Reciprocity

Explore the River Educational Project (2-book, 1-DVD Set)

Bull Trout, Tribal People, and the Jocko River

Field Journal

The Explore the River Project


The End of the World and Other Myths, Songs, Charms, and Chants by the Northern Lacandones of Naha'

In Defense of Loose Translations

An Indian Life in an Academic World

The Incarceration of Native American Women

Creating Pathways to Wellness and Recovery through Gentle Action Theory

As Long as the Earth Endures

Annotated Miami-Illinois Texts

New Voices for Old Words

Algonquian Oral Literatures

Coming Full Circle

Spirituality and Wellness among Native Communities in the Pacific Northwest

The Franz Boas Papers, Volume 1

Franz Boas as Public Intellectual—Theory, Ethnography, Activism

Katie Gale

A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay

Paternalism to Partnership

The Administration of Indian Affairs, 1786–2021

From Fort Marion to Fort Sill

A Documentary History of the Chiricahua Apache Prisoners of War, 1886-1913

Demanding the Cherokee Nation

Indian Autonomy and American Culture, 1830-1900

A Kingdom of Water

Adaptation and Survival in the Houma Nation

Sovereign Screens

Aboriginal Media on the Canadian West Coast

Standing Bear's Quest for Freedom

The First Civil Rights Victory for Native Americans

The Soul of the Indian

An Interpretation

The Selected Works of Ora Eddleman Reed

Author, Editor, and Activist for Cherokee Rights

Hospital and Haven

The Life and Work of Grafton and Clara Burke in Northern Alaska

Blood Will Tell

Native Americans and Assimilation Policy

The Second Creek War

Interethnic Conflict and Collusion on a Collapsing Frontier

The Fast Runner

Filming the Legend of Atanarjuat

A Far Corner

Life and Art with the Open Circle Tribe

Art Effects

Image, Agency, and Ritual in Amazonia

Carlisle Indian Industrial School

Indigenous Histories, Memories, and Reclamations

Wise Words of the Yup'ik People

We Talk to You because We Love You, New Edition

Yup'ik Words of Wisdom

Yupiit Qanruyutait, New Edition

Call for Change

The Medicine Way of American Indian History, Ethos, and Reality

Life among the Indians

First Fieldwork among the Sioux and Omahas


A People's History of the Nuclear West

Creeks and Southerners

Biculturalism on the Early American Frontier

The Greater Plains

Rethinking a Region's Environmental Histories

Indigenous Cities

Urban Indian Fiction and the Histories of Relocation

Positive Pollutions and Cultural Toxins

Waste and Contamination in Contemporary U.S. Ethnic Literatures

To Come to a Better Understanding

Medicine Men and Clergy Meetings on the Rosebud Reservation, 1973–1978

The Native South

New Histories and Enduring Legacies

The Grass Shall Grow

Helen Post Photographs the Native American West


Writers Consider Native American Identity and Cultural Belonging

Settler Aesthetics

Visualizing the Spectacle of Originary Moments in The New World

Conquering Sickness

Race, Health, and Colonization in the Texas Borderlands

Without Destroying Ourselves

A Century of Native Intellectual Activism for Higher Education

Performing Indigeneity

Global Histories and Contemporary Experiences

Nez Perce Summer, 1877

The U.S. Army and the Nee-Me-Poo Crisis

Russian Colonization of Alaska

Baranov's Era, 1799–1818

The Dust Rose Like Smoke

The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux, Second Edition

Recognizing Heritage

The Politics of Multiculturalism in New Mexico

A Listening Wind

Native Literature from the Southeast

Modernity through Letter Writing

Cherokee and Seneca Political Representations in Response to Removal, 1830–1857


A Salish Memoir of Transracial Adoption

Rise Up!

Indigenous Music in North America

Bending Their Way Onward

Creek Indian Removal in Documents

Rivers of Sand

Creek Indian Emigration, Relocation, and Ethnic Cleansing in the American South

Walks on the Ground

A Tribal History of the Ponca Nation

Smoke Signals

Native Cinema Rising

Rock, Ghost, Willow, Deer

A Story of Survival

Burst of Breath

Indigenous Ritual Wind Instruments in Lowland South America

Rights Remembered

A Salish Grandmother Speaks on American Indian History and the Future

A Totem Pole History

The Work of Lummi Carver Joe Hillaire

Sovereign Schools

How Shoshones and Arapahos Created a High School on the Wind River Reservation

Ecology and Ethnogenesis

An Environmental History of the Wind River Shoshones, 1000–1868

The Woman Who Loved Mankind

The Life of a Twentieth-Century Crow Elder

The Spirit and the Sky

Lakota Visions of the Cosmos

Clackamas Chinook Performance Art

Verse Form Interpretations

Editing Eden

A Reconsideration of Identity, Politics, and Place in Amazonia

Empires, Nations, and Families

A History of the North American West, 1800-1860

The Apache Indians

In Search of the Missing Tribe

A Generation Removed

The Fostering and Adoption of Indigenous Children in the Postwar World

White Mother to a Dark Race

Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940

Declared Defective

Native Americans, Eugenics, and the Myth of Nam Hollow

The Brothertown Nation of Indians

Land Ownership and Nationalism in Early America, 1740-1840

The Forgotten Diaspora

Mesoamerican Migrations and the Making of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Vanished in Hiawatha

The Story of the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians

Sharing Our Knowledge

The Tlingit and Their Coastal Neighbors

Clues to Lower Mississippi Valley Histories

Language, Archaeology, and Ethnography

My Side of the River

An Alaska Native Story

Tribal Theory in Native American Literature

Dakota and Haudenosaunee Writing and Indigenous Worldviews

Journeys West

Jane and Julian Steward and Their Guides

Yukhíti Kóy

A Reference Grammar of the Atakapa Language

Living with Koryak Traditions

Playing with Culture in Siberia


Insult and Brand

Of One Mind and Of One Government

The Rise and Fall of the Creek Nation in the Early Republic

Inside Dazzling Mountains

Southwest Native Verbal Arts

Religious Revitalization among the Kiowas

The Ghost Dance, Peyote, and Christianity

Lakotas, Black Robes, and Holy Women

German Reports from the Indian Missions in South Dakota, 1886-1900

Boarding School Voices

Carlisle Indian School Students Speak

From the Boarding Schools

Apache Indian Students Speak

Up from These Hills

Memories of a Cherokee Boyhood

City Indian

Native American Activism in Chicago, 1893–1934

Invisible Reality

Storytellers, Storytakers, and the Supernatural World of the Blackfeet

Left Handed, Son of Old Man Hat

A Navajo Autobiography

Colonized through Art

American Indian Schools and Art Education, 1889–1915

Navajo Talking Picture

Cinema on Native Ground

Changing Woman

A Novel of the Camp Grant Massacre

Okanagan Grouse Woman

Upper Nicola Narratives

Murder State

California's Native American Genocide, 1846-1873

A Grammar of Upper Tanana, Volume 1

Phonology, Lexical Classes, Morphology

A Grammar of Upper Tanana, Volume 2

Semantics, Syntax, Discourse

The Turtle's Beating Heart

One Family's Story of Lenape Survival

Sacrifice and Regeneration

Seventh-day Adventism and Religious Transformation in the Andes

Sacajawea's People

The Lemhi Shoshones and the Salmon River Country

Mass Murder in California's Empty Quarter

A Tale of Tribal Treachery at the Cedarville Rancheria

Empowerment of North American Indian Girls

Ritual Expressions at Puberty

A Lenape among the Quakers

The Life of Hannah Freeman

Upward, Not Sunwise

Resonant Rupture in Navajo Neo-Pentecostalism

Life of the Indigenous Mind

Vine Deloria Jr. and the Birth of the Red Power Movement

Messianic Fulfillments

Staging Indigenous Salvation in America

In the Lands of Fire and Sun

Resistance and Accommodation in the Huichol Sierra, 1723–1930

Modern Blackfeet

Montanans on a Reservation

Counting Coup and Cutting Horses

Intertribal Warfare on the Northern Plains, 1738-1889


Australia and the Language of Deep History

Illicit Love

Interracial Sex and Marriage in the United States and Australia

Indigenous Enlightenment

Printing and Education in Evangelical Colonialism, 1790–1850

The Modoc War

A Story of Genocide at the Dawn of America's Gilded Age

People of the Saltwater

An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon

Strength from the Waters

A History of Indigenous Mobilization in Northwest Mexico

The Blue Tattoo

The Life of Olive Oatman

Recovering Our Ancestors' Gardens

Indigenous Recipes and Guide to Diet and Fitness


Anishinaabeg Leadership, 1760-1845

Ancestral Mounds

Vitality and Volatility of Native America

Reservation "Capitalism"

Economic Development in Indian Country

The Blind Man and the Loon

The Story of a Tale

In Sun's Likeness and Power, 2-volume set

Cheyenne Accounts of Shield and Tipi Heraldry

That Dream Shall Have a Name

Native Americans Rewriting America

Black Elk Speaks

The Complete Edition

Eagle Voice Remembers

An Authentic Tale of the Old Sioux World

Indian Play

Indigenous Identities at Bacone College

Lessons from Fort Apache

Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance

World-Making Stories

Maidu Language and Community Renewal on a Shared California Landscape

On Records

Delaware Indians, Colonists, and the Media of History and Memory

Indians in the United States and Canada

A Comparative History, Second Edition

Amazonian Cosmopolitans

Navigating a Shamanic Cosmos, Shifting Indigenous Policies, and Other Modern Projects

Fluent Selves

Autobiography, Person, and History in Lowland South America

The Awakening Coast

An Anthology of Moravian Writings from Mosquitia and Eastern Nicaragua, 1849-1899

The Great Sioux Nation

Sitting in Judgment on America

Choctaw Resurgence in Mississippi

Race, Class, and Nation Building in the Jim Crow South, 1830-1977


The Story of John Ross, Chief of the Cherokees, 1828–1866

When Dream Bear Sings

Native Literatures of the Southern Plains

Natalie Curtis Burlin

A Life in Native and African American Music

Defying Maliseet Language Death

Emergent Vitalities of Language, Culture, and Identity in Eastern Canada

Seminole Voices

Reflections on Their Changing Society, 1970-2000

Pacifist Prophet

Papunhank and the Quest for Peace in Early America

Diabetes in Native Chicago

An Ethnography of Identity, Community, and Care

Native American Environmentalism

Land, Spirit, and the Idea of Wilderness

Native American Freemasonry

Associationalism and Performance in America

All My Relatives

Exploring Lakota Ontology, Belief, and Ritual

The Texture of Contact

European and Indian Settler Communities on the Frontiers of Iroquoia, 1667-1783

Ragged Coast, Rugged Coves

Labor, Culture, and Politics in Southeast Alaska Canneries

Lakota Texts

Narratives of Lakota Life and Culture in the Twentieth Century

Reservation Reelism

Redfacing, Visual Sovereignty, and Representations of Native Americans in Film

Standing Up to Colonial Power

The Lives of Henry Roe and Elizabeth Bender Cloud

In Praise of the Ancestors

Names, Identity, and Memory in Africa and the Americas

The Yamasee War

A Study of Culture, Economy, and Conflict in the Colonial South

George Sword's Warrior Narratives

Compositional Processes in Lakota Oral Tradition

Bound to Have Blood

Frontier Newspapers and the Plains Indian Wars

Welcome to the Oglala Nation

A Documentary Reader in Oglala Lakota Political History

A Thrilling Narrative of Indian Captivity

Dispatches from the Dakota War

Voices of the American West, Volume 1

The Indian Interviews of Eli S. Ricker, 1903-1919

Voices of the American West, Volume 2

The Settler and Soldier Interviews of Eli S. Ricker, 1903-1919

Defending Whose Country?

Indigenous Soldiers in the Pacific War

We Are Not Animals

Indigenous Politics of Survival, Rebellion, and Reconstitution in Nineteenth-Century California

Native Providence

Memory, Community, and Survivance in the Northeast

Perishing Heathens

Stories of Protestant Missionaries and Christian Indians in Antebellum America

Tears of Repentance

Christian Indian Identity and Community in Colonial Southern New England

A Doctor among the Oglala Sioux Tribe

The Letters of Robert H. Ruby, 1953-1954

The Oglala Sioux

Warriors in Transition

Sensing Others

Voicing Batek Ethical Lives at the Edge of a Malaysian Rainforest

Education beyond the Mesas

Hopi Students at Sherman Institute, 1902-1929

Honne, the Spirit of the Chehalis

The Indian Interpretation of the Origin of the People and Animals

Hemispheric Indigeneities

Native Identity and Agency in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and Canada

Modernity and Its Other

The Encounter with North American Indians in the Eighteenth Century

Walking to Magdalena

Personhood and Place in Tohono O'odham Songs, Sticks, and Stories

Pitch Woman and Other Stories

The Oral Traditions of Coquelle Thompson, Upper Coquille Athabaskan Indian

Dawnland Voices

An Anthology of Indigenous Writing from New England

Sovereignty and Sustainability

Indigenous Literary Stewardship in New England

The Complete Seymour

Colville Storyteller

Hunting Caribou

Subsistence Hunting along the Northern Edge of the Boreal Forest

Under Prairie Skies

The Plants and Native Peoples of the Northern Plains

We Will Dance Our Truth

Yaqui History in Yoeme Performances

The Mayans Among Us

Migrant Women and Meatpacking on the Great Plains

To Educate American Indians

Selected Writings from the National Educational Association’s Department of Indian Education, 1900–1904

Memory Wars

Settlers and Natives Remember Washington’s Sullivan Expedition of 1779

Urban Homelands

Writing the Native City from Oklahoma

The Island of the Anishnaabeg

Thunderers and Water Monsters in the Traditional Ojibwe Life-World

Native Diasporas

Indigenous Identities and Settler Colonialism in the Americas

Rez Metal

Inside the Navajo Nation Heavy Metal Scene

From Homeland to New Land

A History of the Mahican Indians, 1600-1830

Vanished Arizona

Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman, Second Edition

Sacred Sites

The Secret History of Southern California

Muscogee Daughter

My Sojourn to the Miss America Pageant

Born in the Blood

On Native American Translation

Sky Loom

Native American Myth, Story, and Song

Chief Bender's Burden

The Silent Struggle of a Baseball Star

Cinematic Comanches

The Lone Ranger in the Media Borderlands

Salish Blankets

Robes of Protection and Transformation, Symbols of Wealth

Sacred Seeds

New World Plants in Early Modern English Literature

Deep Waters

The Textual Continuum in American Indian Literature

Black Snake

Standing Rock, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and Environmental Justice

Stories from Saddle Mountain

Autobiographies of a Kiowa Family

The Allotment Plot

Alice C. Fletcher, E. Jane Gay, and Nez Perce Survivance

A Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri

The Journal and Description of Jean-Baptiste Truteau, 1794–1796

Called to Justice

The Life of a Federal Trial Judge

The Last Sovereigns

Sitting Bull and the Resistance of the Free Lakotas

Clitso Dedman, Navajo Carver

His Art and His World

Native Provenance

The Betrayal of Cultural Creativity

The White Earth Nation

Ratification of a Native Democratic Constitution


A Hunkpapha Historian's Strong-Heart Song of the Lakotas

Starring Red Wing!

The Incredible Career of Lilian M. St. Cyr, the First Native American Film Star

Embracing Fry Bread

Confessions of a Wannabe

The Reluctant Pilgrim

A Skeptic's Journey into Native Mysteries

Households and Hegemony

Early Creek Prestige Goods, Symbolic Capital, and Social Power

Cree and Christian

Encounters and Transformations

Rising from the Ashes

Survival, Sovereignty, and Native America

Assimilation, Resilience, and Survival

A History of the Stewart Indian School, 1890–2020

Restoring the Chain of Friendship

British Policy and the Indians of the Great Lakes, 1783-1815

Northern Paiutes of the Malheur

High Desert Reckoning in Oregon Country

This Benevolent Experiment

Indigenous Boarding Schools, Genocide, and Redress in Canada and the United States

John Howard Payne Papers, 3-volume set

Volumes 7–14 of the Payne-Butrick Papers