National Council on Public History and the Utah Historical Society

Welcome to our NCPH-UHS virtual book exhibit! We are offering our convention discount of 40% off until May 15, 2024 with the code 6AS24.

We welcome new submissions. To submit a proposal please contact an editor.

To save 40% enter the code 6AS24 in the promotion code field of your shopping cart and click “Add Promotion Code.” Offer expires 5/15/2024 and is good for U.S. and Canadian shipments only.

To purchase books outside of North America, please contact Combined Academic Publishers by email at

Framing Nature

Yolonda Youngs

Cast Out of Eden

Robert Aquinas McNally

Wallace Stegner's Unsettled Country

Mark Fiege, Leisl Carr Childers, Michael J. Lansing

Memory Wars

A. Lynn Smith

Losing Eden

Sara Dant, Tom S. Udall

Liverpool to Great Salt Lake

LaJean Purcell Carruth, Ronald G. Watt, Fred E. Woods

Unpopular Sovereignty

Brent M. Rogers

Frémont's First Impressions

John C. Frémont, Anne F. Hyde

Recollections of a Handcart Pioneer of 1860

Mary Ann Hafen, Donna Toland Smart

Mormon Country

Wallace Stegner, Richard W. Etulain