List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Introduction: Bringing Ghosts to Ground
Colleen Boyd and Coll Thrush
Part I. Methodologies
1. Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer as Indigenous Gothic
Michelle Burnham
2. Violence on the Home Front in Robinson Jeffers' "Tamar"
Geneva M. Gano
3. Hauntings as Histories: Aboriginal Ghosts and the Urban Past in Seattle
Coll Thrush
Part II. Historical Encounters
4. The Anatomy of a Haunting: Black Hawk's Body and the Fabric of History
Adam John Waterman
5. The Baldoon Mysterys
Lisa Philips and Allan K. McDougall
6. Haunting Remains: Educating a New American Citizenry at Indian Hill Cemetery
Sarah Schneider Kavanagh
Part III. The Past in the Present
7. "We Are Standing in My Ancestor's Longhouse": Learning the Language of Spirits and Ghosts
Colleen E. Boyd
8. Indigenous Hauntings in Settler-Colonial Spaces: The Activism of Indigenous Ancestors in the City of Toronto
Victoria Freeman
9. Shape-shifters, Ghosts, and Residual Power: An Examination of Northern Plains Spiritual Beliefs, Locations, Objects, and Spiritual Colonialism
Cynthia Landrum
10. Ancestors, Ethnohistorical Practice, and the Authentication of Native Place and Past
C. Jill Grady
List of Contributors