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The Nebraska State Constitution
A Reference Guide, Second Edition
by Robert D. Miewald, Peter J. Longo and Anthony B. Schutz
Foreword by Robert M. Spire and John M. Gradwohl
Published by: Nebraska Paperback
460 Pages, appendix, 2 tables
List of Tables
Foreword to the second edition by John A. Gradwohl
Foreword to the first edition by Robert M. Spire
The History of the Nebraska State Constitution
The Nebraska State Constitution, with Commentary
Article I: Bill of Rights
Section 1. Statement of Rights
Section 2. Slavery Prohibited
Section 3. Due Process of Law; Equal Protection
Section 4. Religious Freedom
Section 5. Freedom of Speech and Press
Section 6. Trial by Jury
Section 7. Search and Seizure
Section 8. Habeas Corpus
Section 9. Bail; Fines; Imprisonment; Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Section 10. Presentment or Indictment by Grand Jury; Information
Section 11. Rights of Accused
Section 12. Evidence against Self; Double Jeopardy
Section 13. Justice Administered without Delay; Legislature; Authorization to Enforce Mediation and Arbitration
Section 14. Treason
Section 15. Penalties; Corruption of Blood; Transporting out of State Prohibited
Section 16. Bill of Attainder; Retroactive Laws; Contracts; Special Privileges
Section 17. Military Subordinate
Section 18. Soldiers Quarters
Section 19. Right of Peaceable Assembly and to Petition Government
Section 20. Imprisonment for Debt Prohibited
Section 21. Private Property Compensated For
Section 22. Elections to Be Free
Section 23. Capital Cases; Right of Direct Appeal; Effect; Other Cases; Right of Appeal
Section 24. Repealed
Section 25. Rights of Property; No Discrimination; Aliens
Section 26. Powers Retained by the People
Section 27. English Language to Be Official
Section 28. Crime Victims; Rights Enumerated; Effect; Legislature; Duties
Section 29. Marriage; Same-Sex Relationships Not Valid or Recognized
Section 30. Discrimination or Grant of Preferential Treatment Prohibited; Public Employment, Public Education, or Public Contracting; Section, How Construed; Remedies
Article II: Distribution of Powers
Section 1. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
Article III: Legislative
Section 1. Legislative Authority; How Vested; Power of Initiative; Power of Referendum
Section 2. First Power Reserved: Initiative
Section 3. Second Power Reserved: Referendum
Section 4. Initiative or Referendum; Signatures Required; Veto; Election Returns; Constitutional Amendments; Non-partisan Ballot
Section 5. Legislative Districts; Apportionment; Redistricting; When Required
Section 6. Legislature; Number of Members; Annual Sessions
Section 7. Legislators; Terms; Effect of Redistricting; Elections; Salary; Expenses; Mileage
Section 8. Legislators; Qualifications; One-Year Residence in District; Removal from District; Effect
Section 9. Legislators; Disqualifications; Election to Other Office; Resignation Required
Section 10. Legislative Sessions; Time; Quorum; Rules of Procedure; Expulsion of Members; Disrespectful Behavior; Penalty
Section 11. Legislative Journal; Vote Viva Voce; Open Doors; Committee Votes
Section 12. Legislators; Terms; Limitations
Section 13. Style of Bills; Majority Necessary to Passage; Yeas and Nays Entered on Journal
Section 14. Bills and Resolutions Read by Title; Printing; Vote for Final Passage; Bills to Contain One Subject; Amended Section to Be Set Forth; Signing of Bills
Section 15. Members Privileged from Arrest
Section 16. Members of Legislature and State Officers; Conflicts of Interest; Standards For
Section 17. Impeachment; Procedure
Section 18. Local or Special Laws Prohibited
Section 19. Compensation; Increase When; Extra Compensation to Public Officers and Contractors Prohibited; Retirement Benefits; Adjustment
Section 20. Salt Springs, Coal, Oil, Minerals; Alienation Prohibited
Section 21. Donation of State Lands Prohibited; When
Section 22. Appropriations for State; Deficiencies; Bills for Pay of Members and Officials
Section 23. Repealed
Section 24. Games of Chance, Lotteries, and Gift Enterprises; Restrictions; Pari-mutuel Wagering on Horse Races; Bingo Games; Use of State Lottery Proceeds
Section 25. Incidental Expenses of State Officers; Specific Appropriations Always Necessary; Warrants for Money
Section 26. Privilege of Members
Section 27. Acts Take Effect after Three Months; Emergency Bills; Session Laws
Section 28. Repealed
Section 29. Legislative Authority in Emergencies Due to Enemy Attack upon the United States
Section 30. Legislature to Pass Necessary Laws
Article IV: Executive
Section 1. Executive Departments; Officers; When Elected; Terms; Eligibility; Books to Be Kept at Seat of Government; Residence of Officers; Heads of Departments; Appointments
Section 2. Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Eligibility; Qualifications; Appointive Officers; Ineligible for Other Offices
Section 3. Treasurer; Ineligibility
Section 4. Election Returns; Canvass by Legislature; Conduct of Election Contests
Section 5. Impeachment
Section 6. Supreme Executive Power
Section 7. Message by Governor; Budget; Contents; Budget Bill; Preparation; Appropriations Not to Be in Excess of Budget; Exception; Excess Subject to Veto
Section 8. Special Sessions
Section 9. Repealed
Section 10. Governor to Appoint Officers; Removal
Section 11. Elected State Officer; Vacation of Office; Governor Fills by Appointment; Term
Section 12. Nonelective State Officers; Vacation; Governor Fills the Office by Appointment; Approval by Legislature
Section 13. Board of Parole; Members; Powers; Reprieves; Proceedings; Power to Pardon; Limitations
Section 14. Governor to Be Commander-in-Chief of Militia
Section 15. Bills to Be Presented to Governor; Approval; Procedure; Disapproval or Reduction of Items of Appropriation; Passage Despite Disapproval or Reduction
Section 16. Order of Succession to Become Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Duties
Section 17. Repealed
Section 18. Repealed
Section 19. State Institutions; Management, Control, and Government; Determination by Legislature
Section 20. Public Service Commission; Membership; Terms; Powers
Section 21. Repealed
Section 22. Executive Officials to Keep Accounts; Reports; False Reports; Penalties
Section 23. Executive Officials and Heads of Institutions; Reports to Legislature; Information from Expending Agencies
Section 24. Great Seal
Section 25. Salaries of Officials; Fees
Section 26. Officials to Give Bonds
Section 27. Executive Offices; Creation Of
Section 28. Tax Equalization and Review Commission; Members; Powers; Tax Commissioner; Powers
Article V: Judicial
Section 1. Power Vested in Courts; Chief Justice; Powers
Section 2. Supreme Court; Number of Judges; Quorum; Jurisdiction; Retired Judges; Temporary Duty; Court Divisions; Assignments by Chief Justice
Section 3. Terms of Supreme Court
Section 4. Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court; Selection; Residence; Location of Offices
Section 5. Supreme Court Judicial Districts; Redistricting; When
Section 6. Chief Justice to Preside
Section 7. Chief Justice; Associate Justices; Qualifications
Section 8. Supreme Court Appoints Staff; Budget; Copyright of State Reports
Section 9. District Courts; Jurisdiction; Felons May Plead Guilty; Sentence
Section 10. District Court Judicial Districts
Section 11. District Court Judges; Change of Number; Boundaries
Section 12. District Court Judges May Hold Court for Each Other; Retired Judges; Temporary Duty
Section 13. Supreme and District Judges; Salaries
Section 14. Supreme and District Judges Not to Act as Attorneys; Judge Not to Practice Law; When
Sections 15<EN>18. Repealed
Section 19. Practice of All Courts to Be Uniform
Section 20. Officers in This Article; Tenure; Residence; Duties; Compensation
Section 21. Merit Plan for Selection of Judges; Terms of Office; Filling of Vacancies; Procedures; Voting for Nominee
Section 22. State May Sue and Be Sued
Section 23. Jurisdiction of Judges at Chambers
Section 24. Style of Process
Section 25. Supreme Court to Promulgate Rules of Practice; To Make Recommendations to Legislature
Section 26. Proviso as to Effect of Amendment
Section 27. Juvenile Courts; Authorization
Section 28. Commission on Judicial Qualifications; Appointment; Composition; Qualifications
Section 29. Commission on Judicial Qualifications; Vote of Majority Required for Action
Section 30. Judges; Discipline; Removal from Office; Grounds; Procedure
Section 31. Judges; Procedure for Removal from Office Cumulative
Article VI: Suffrage
Section 1. Qualifications of Electors
Section 2. Who Disqualified
Section 3. Military or Naval Service; Place and Manner of Voting
Section 4. Repealed
Section 5. Electors; Privileged from Arrest
Section 6. Votes, How Cast
Article VII: Education
Section 1. Legislature; Free Instruction in Common Schools; Provide
Section 2. State Department of Education; General Supervision of School System
Section 3. State Board of Education; Members; Election; Manner of Election; Term of Office
Section 4. State Board of Education; Commissioner of Education; Appointment; Powers and Duties
Section 5. Fines, Penalties, and License Money; Allocation; Use of Forfeited Conveyances
Section 6. Educational Lands; Management; Board of Educational Lands and Funds; Members; Appointment; Sale of Lands
Section 7. Perpetual Funds Enumerated
Section 8. Trust Funds Belong to State for Educational Purposes; Use; Investment
Section 9. Educational Funds; Trust Funds; Use; Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund; Created; Use; Early Childhood Education, Defined
Section 10. University of Nebraska; Government; Board of Regents; Election; Student Membership; Terms
Section 11. Appropriation of Public Funds; Handicapped Children; Sectarian Instruction; Religious Test of Teacher or Student
Section 12. Education and Reform of Minors
Section 13. State Colleges; Government; Board; Name; Selection; Duties; Compensation
Section 14. Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; Membership; Powers and Duties; Coordination, Defined
Section 15. Repealed and Omitted
Sections 16 and 17. Repealed
Article VIII: Revenue
Section 1. Revenue; Raised by Taxation; Legislative Powers
Section 1A. Levy of Property Tax for State Purposes; Prohibition
Section 1B. Income Tax; May Be Based on Laws of the United States
Section 2. Exemption of Property from Taxation; Classification
Section 2A. Exemption of Personal Property in Transit in Licensed Warehouses or Storage Areas
Section 3. Redemption from Sales of Real Estate for Taxes
Section 4. Legislature Has No Power to Remit Taxes; Exception; Cancellation of Taxes on Land Acquired by the State
Section 5. County Taxes; Limitations
Section 6. Local Improvements of Cities, Towns, and Villages
Section 7. Private Property Not Liable for Corporate Debts; Municipalities and Inhabitants Exempt for Corporate Purposes
Section 8. Funding Indebtedness; Warrants
Section 9. Claims upon Treasury; Adjustment; Approval; Appeal
Section 10. Taxation of Grain and Seeds; Alternative Basis Permitted
Section 11. Public Corporations and Political Subdivisions Providing Electricity; Payment in Lieu of Taxes
Section 12. Cities or Villages; Redevelopment Project; Substandard and Blighted Property; Incur Indebtedness; Taxes; How Treated
Section 13. Revenue Laws and Legislative Acts; How Construed
Article IX: Counties
Section 1. Area
Section 2. Division of County; Decision of Question
Section 3. County Added to Another; Prior Indebtedness; County Stricken Off; Liabilities
Section 4. County and Township Officers
Section 5. Township Organization
Article X: Public Service Corporations
Section 1. Reports under Oath
Section 2. Property Liable to Sale on Execution
Section 3. Consolidation of Stock or Property
Section 4. Railways Declared Public Highways; Maximum Rates; Liability Not Limited
Section 5. Capital Stock; Dividends
Section 6. Eminent Domain
Section 7. Unjust Discrimination and Extortion
Section 8. Eminent Domain for Depot and Other Uses
Article XI: Municipal Corporations
Section 1. Subscription to Stock Prohibited
Section 2. City of 5, May Frame Charter; Procedures
Section 3. Rejection of Charter; Effect; Procedure to Frame New Charter
Section 4. Charter; Amendment; Charter Convention
Section 5. Charters of City of 100,; Home Rule Charter Authorized
Article XII: Miscellaneous Corporations
Section 1. Legislature to Provide for Organization, Regulation, and Supervision of Corporations and Associations; Limitation; Elections for Directors or Managers; Voting Rights of Stockholders
Sections 2<EN>6. Repealed
Section 7. Repealed
Section 8. Corporation Acquiring an Interest in Real Estate Used for Farming or Ranching or Engaging in Farming or Ranching; Restrictions; Secretary of State, Attorney General; Duties; Legislature; Powers
Article XIII: State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness
Section 1. State May Contract Debt; Limitations; Exceptions
Section 2. Industrial and Economic Development; Powers of Counties and Municipalities
Section 3. Credit of the State; Exception
Article XIV: Militia
Section 1. Personnel; Organization; Discipline
Article XV: Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 1. Official Oath; Refusal; Disqualifications
Section 2. Official in Default as Collector and Custodian of Public Money or Property; Disqualification; Felon Disqualified
Section 3. Repealed
Section 4. Water a Public Necessity
Section 5. Use of Water Dedicated to the People
Section 6. Right to Divert Unappropriated Waters
Section 7. Use of Water for Power Purposes
Section 8. Employment of Women and Children; Minimum Wage
Section 9. Controversies between Employers and Employees; Industrial Commission; Appeals
Section 10. Repealed
Section 11. Repealed
Section 12. Removal of State Capital
Section 13. Labor Organizations; No Denial of Employment; Closed Shop Not Permitted
Section 14. Labor Organization; Definition
Section 15. Labor Organizations; Amendment Self-Executing; Laws to Facilitate Operation Permitted
Section 16. Repealed
Section 17. Retirement and Pension Funds; Investment
Section 18. Governmental Powers and Functions; Intergovernmental Cooperation; Legislature May Limit; Merger or Consolidation of Counties or Other Local Governments Authorized
Section 19. Liquor Licenses; Municipalities and Counties; Powers
Sections 20<EN>24. Omitted
Article XVI: Amendments
Section 1. How Proposed
Section 2. Convention
Article XVII: Schedule
Section 1. Terms; Reference to Members of the Legislature to Include Appointed and Elected Members
Sections 2 and 3. Repealed
Section 4. General Election of State
Section 5. Terms of Office of All Elected Officers
Section 6. Transferred to Article III, section 30
Sections 7 and 8. Repealed
Section 9. Repealed
Section 10. Empty
Section 11. Repealed
Article XVIII: Term Limits on Congress
Section 1. Statement of Intent
Section 2. Instruction to Members of Congressional Delegation; Ballot Notation; When
Section 3. Nonincumbent Candidates; Term Limits Pledge; Ballot Notation; When
Section 4. Instruction to Members of the Legislature; Ballot Notation; When
Section 5. Ballot Notation; Secretary of State; Duties; Appeal
Section 6. Automatic Repeal; When
Section 7. Legal Challenge; Jurisdiction
Section 8. Severability
Table of Cases