List of Illustrations 000
Editorial Note 000
Acknowledgments 000
Introduction 000
[1] [Take my valentine and be] 000
[2] The Warrior's Dream 000
[3] [And old or new, can records find] 000
[4] Death of the Poets 000
[5] Red Man's Pledge of Peace (Circa 1893) 000
[6] Red Man's Pledge of Peace (Circa 1898) 000
[7] Red Man's Pledge of Peace (Ledger version) 000
[8] The Burial of the Alabama Prophet 000
[9] Twilight [Eventide] 000
[10] [Autumn days--bright days of gold] 000
[11] Death of a Window Plant 000
[12] O, Oblivion! 000
[13] Ye Men of Dawes 000
[14] [Did'st thou see the spectral blossoms fall?] 000
[15] [Oh, those voices now we hear] 000
[16] [Forsooth, thou art so versatile, O Bob!] 000
[17] [To allot, or not to allot] 000
[18] [For two long days the polar breeze] 000
[19] [The picnic's coming] 000
[20] [The whippowill has come] 000
[21] [Those bursts of oratory--how they stir the soul!] 000
[22] Wildcat Bill 000
[23] There's a Tide 000
[24] [In UNCLE SAM'S dominion] 000
[25] Lowyna 000
[26] The Indian's Past Olympic 000
[27] Cuba Libre 000
[28] Callie 000
[29] Mother and Baby 000
[30] Daisy 000
[31] The Squatter's Fence 000
[32] The Conquerors 000
[33] Lines to Hall 000
[34] To Our Baby, Laughing [To Baby Yahola] 000
[35] The Two Clouds 000
[36] The Rattler 000
[37] June [Midsummer] 000
[38] The Idle Breeze 000
[39] My Fancy [Fancy] 000
[40] Autumn 000
[41] [Oh, to loiter where] (A Rhapsody) 000
[42] To a Hummingbird 000
[43] To the Century Plant 000
[44] Verses Written at the Grave of McIntosh 000
[45] To the Summer Cloud 000
[46] To the Crow 000
[47] To a Snowflake 000
[48] Sea Shells 000
[49] The Bluebird 000
[50] Coyote 000
[51] Distant Music 000
[52] Distant Music (early draft) 000
[53] Earth's Lilies and God's 000
[54] Her Beauty 000
[55] [I sing but fragments] 000
[56] Ingersoll 000
[57] Life's Mystery 000
[58] A Picture 000
[59] Sequoyah 000
[60] To Wahilla Enhotulle (To the South Wind) 000
[61] [Upon Love's sea, our barques shall sail] [Drifting Apart] 000
[62] What My Soul Would Be 000
[63] In the Winter Hills 000
[64] The Open Sky 000
[65] Sunset 000
[66] The Legend of the Red Rose 000
[67] My Pearl 000
[68] Brook Song 000
[69] Prairies of the West 000
[70] To Yahola, on His First Birthday 000
[71] To a Morning Warbler 000
[72] Lowena 000
[73] [The Poet's Song] 000
[74] [We take no notice of] 000
[75] [Nature's Blessings] 000
[76] Twilight [July 7, 1898] 000
[77] June [July 10, 1898] 000
[78] The West Wind [Husse Lotka Enhotulle] 000
[79] Morning 000
[80] The Athlete and the Philosopher 000
[81] Eyes of Blue and Brown 000
[82] Flowers 000
[83] Mount Shasta 000
[84] The Dew and the Bird 000
[85] The Deer 000
[86] Be It My Lot 000
[87] When Love is Dead 000
[88] To the Morning Glory 000
[89] To an Over-Stylish Miss 000
[90] [Farewell, frail leaf] 000
[91] The Sunshine of Life 000
[92] Gone 000
[93] Kate and Lou 000
[94] My Hermitage 000
[95] What I Ask of Life 000
[96] A Glimpse 000
[97] The Boston Mountains 000
[98] By the River's Brink 000
[99] By the Shore of Life 000
[100] Chinkings 000
[101] A Common Failing 000
[102] A Fable 000
[103] Epigrams 000
[104] God and the Flying Squirrel (A Creek Legend) 000
[105] In Tulledega 000
[106] In Vain 000
[107] The Inexpressible Thought 000
[108] July 000
[109] The Man-Catcher 000
[110] Meaningless 000
[111] The Milky Way 000
[112] Miser 000
[113] A Vision of June [Narcissus--A Sonnet] 000
[114] Narcissus--A Sonnet 000
[115] Not Love Always 000
[116] On Piney 000
[117] Our Deeds [A Simile] 000
[118] Pendantry 000
[119] Say Something 000
[120] September 000
[121] A Thin Quilt's Warmth 000
[122] Thoughts 000
[123] To a Common Flower 000
[124] To a Face Above the Surf 000
[125] To a Winter Songster 000
[126] To Hall 000
[127] To Jim Parkinson 000
[128] Trysting [Then and Now] 000
[129] Tulledega 000
[130] A Vision 000
[131] What Profit 000
[132] When Molly Blows the Dinner Horn 000
[133] The Arkansas River 000
[134] Assured 000
[135] Lovingly [The Call of the Wild] 000
[136] Limbo [Esapahutche] 000
[137] [Every moment I flow] 000
[138] Memories (Inscribed to my poet friend George Riley Hall) 000
[139] The Mocking Bird 000
[140] Spring in Tulwa Thlocco 000
[141] Where the Rivers Meet 000
[142] Ode to Sequoyah 000
[143] Nightfall [Twilight] 000
[144] An Outcast 000
[145] Pohalton Lake 000
[146] Shelter 000
[147] To a Daffodil 000
[148] Happy Times for Me an' Sal 000
[149] [What sea-maid's longings dwell] [To a Sea Shell] 000
[150] The Decree 000
[151] Song of the Oktahutche 000
[152] To a Robin 000
[153] Bob White 000
[154] The Blue Jay 000
[155] Moonlight [In the Moonlit Wood] 000
[156] The Haunted Valley 000
[157] On the Capture and Imprisonment of Crazy Snake 000
[158] The Fall of the Redskin (with apologies to Edwin Markham) 000
[159] Fus Harjo and Old Billy Hell 000
[160] Saturday 000
[161] The Evening Star 000
[162] On Hearing a Redbird Sing 000
[163] She Was Obdurate 000
[164] What a Snap 000
[165] It's Too Hot 000
[166] Alex Posey Is Responsible 000
[167] A Freedman Rhyme 000
[168] The Creek Fullblood (with apologies to Edwin Markham) 000
[169] Arkansaw 000
[170] Checotah 000
[171] O'Blenness 000
[172] Hotgun on the Death of Yadeka Harjo 000
[173] Again 000
[174] All the While [Let Men Dispute] 000
[175] [By the cardinal led aright] 000
[176] Come 000
[177] The Flower of Tulledega 000
[178] For Me 000
[179] Frail Beauty 000
[180] A Glimpse of Spring 000
[181] The Homestead of Empire 000
[182] [In that valley country lying east] 000
[183] Irene 000
[184] On a Marble Medallion of Dante 000
[185] On the Hills of Dawn 000
[186] On Viewing the Skull and Bones of a Wolf 000
[187] Pity 000
[188] A Reverie 000
[189] The Rural Maid 000
[190] <AP>Tis Sweet 000
[191] To My Wife 000
[192] To the Indian Meadow Lark 000
[193] A Valentine 000
[194] A Vision of Rest 000
[195] Whence? 000
[196] [With him who lives a neighbor to the birds!] 000
Appendix: A Ledger of Poems 000
Bibliography 000