List of Illustrations
Series Editors' Introduction
Editors' Preface
Editorial History and Procedures
Prologue: On Being an Anthropologist
Part I. Approaching Ojibwe Culture and Material Life
1. The Northern Ojibwa
2. Notes on the Northern Range of Zizania [wild rice] in Manitoba
3. Rocks and Stones
4. Notes on the Material Culture of the Island Lake Saulteaux
Part II. Marriage and Kinship
5. Cross-Cousin Marriage in the Lake Winnipeg Area
6. The Incidence, Character, and Decline of Polygyny among the Lake Winnipeg Cree and Saulteaux
Part III. The Patterning of Experience in Time and Space
7. Temporal Orientation in Western Civilization and in a Preliterate Society
8. Some Psychological Aspects of Measurement among the Saulteaux
9. The Size of Algonkian Hunting Territories: A Function of Ecological Adjustment
10. Cultural Factors in Spatial Orientation
Part IV. Stress and Anxiety, Fear and Aggression
11. Psychic Stresses and Culture Patterns
12. Fear and Anxiety as Cultural and Individual Variables in a Primitive Society
13. Freudian Symbolism in the Dream of a Saulteaux Indian
14. Shabwán: A Dissocial Indian Girl
15. Aggression in Saulteaux Society
16. The Social Function of Anxiety in a Primitive Society
Part V. In Sickness and in Health
17. Sin, Sex, and Sickness in Saulteaux Belief
18. Psychosexual Adjustment, Personality, and the Good Life in a Nonliterate Culture
19. Values, Acculturation, and Mental Health
Part VI. Religion, Dreams, and the Spiritual Life
20. Some Empirical Aspects of Northern Saulteaux Religion
21. The Passing of the Midewi<MIDDOT>win in the Lake Winnipeg Region
22. Spirits of the Dead in Saulteaux Life and Thought
23. The Role of Dreams in Ojibwa Culture
Part VI. Personality, the Self, and World View
24. The Rorschach Method as an Aid in the Study of Personalities in Primitive Societies
25. Some Psychological Characteristics of the Northeastern Indians
26. The Ojibwa Self and its Behavioral Environment
27. Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior, and World View
Glossary of Ojibwe Words and Names Used by Hallowell
Source Acknowledgements