Notes on Contributors
1. The Recipe in its Cultural Contexts -- Janet Floyd and Laurel Forster
2. Of Recipe Books and Reading in the Nineteenth Century: Mrs Beeton and her Cultural Consequences -- Margaret Beetham
3. Redefining 'Rudimentary' Narrative: Women's Nineteenth-Century Manuscript Cookbooks -- Andrea K. Newlyn
4. 'Talking' Recipes: What Mrs Fisher Knows and the African-American Cookbook Tradition -- Andrew Warnes
5. Domesticating Imperialism: Curry and Cookbooks in Victorian England -- Susan Zlotnick
6. 'In Close Touch With her Government': Women and the Domestic Science Movement in World War One Propaganda -- Celia M. Kingsbury
7. The Importance of Being Greedy: Connoisseurship and Domesticity in the Writings of Elizabeth Robins Pennell -- Talia Schaffer
8. Simple, Honest Food: Elizabeth David and the Construction of Nation in Cookery Writing -- Janet Floyd
9. Liberating the Recipe: A Study of the Relationship between Food and Feminism in the early 1970s -- Laurel Forster
10. Regulation and Creativity: The Use of Recipes in Contemporary Fiction -- Sarah Sceats
11. Nigella Bites and the Naked Chef: The Sexual and the Sensual in Television Cookery Programmmes -- Maggie Andrews
12. Adapting and Adopting: The Migrating Recipe -- Marina de Camargo Heck
Name Index
Subject Index