Introduction. Mapping the French Colonial Mind (Martin Thomas, Exeter University)
Part 1: Colonial Encounters and Imaginings of Empire
1. Reflections on the Colonial Mind (Patricia Lorcin, University of Minnesota)
2. Intellectuals for Empire? The Imperial Training of Féicien Challaye (1899-1914) (Emmanuelle Sibeud, University of Paris VIII)
3. Colonial Minds and African Witchcraft: Interpretations of Murder as Seen in Cases from French West Africa in the Interwar Era (Ruth Ginio, Gen Gurion University of the Negev)
4. The Colonial Cosmology of Fernand Braudel (John Strachan, Manchester University)
5. Mental Maps of Modernity in Colonial Indochina during World War II: Mobilizing Sport to Combat Threats to French Rule (Anne Raffin, National University of Singapore)
Part 2: Language, Culture, and Communities of the Colonial Mind
6. Anti-Clericalism, French Language Policy, and the Conflicted Colonial Mind in Cameroon 1923-1939 (Kenneth Orosz, University of Maine at Farmington)
7. Information and Intelligence Collection among Imperial Subjects Abroad: The Case of Syrians and Lebanese in Latin America, 1915-1930 (Maria Del Mar Logrono, University of California-Santa Barbara)
8. Inter-Confessional Rivalry and Cultural Policy-Making in Lebanon under the French Mandate (Jennifer Dueck, Cambridge University)
9. France's Arabic Educational Reforms in Algeria during the Colonial Era: Language Instruction in Colonial and Anticolonial Minds before and after Algerian Independence (James D. Le Sueur, University of Nebraska)
Part 3: Administrators and the Colonial Mind after World War II
10. Thinking Like an Empire: Governor Henri Laurentie and Postwar Plans for the Late Colonial French 'Empire-State (Martin Shipway, Birkbeck College)
11. Recycling Empire: French Colonial Administrators at the Heart of European Development Policy (Veronique Dimier, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
12. Friend or Foe? Competing Visions of Empire in French West Africa in the Run-up to Independence (Tony Chafer, University of Portsmouth)
13. Thinking between Metropole and Colony: The French Republic, 'Exceptional Promotion,' and the 'Integration' of Algerians (1955-1962) (Todd Shepard, The Johns Hopkins University)
14. Rigged Elections? Democracy and Manipulation in the Late Colonial State in French West Africa and Togo, 1944-1958 (Alexander Keese, Centro de Estudos Africanos, University of Porto)