List of Illustrations
List of Neighbors 000
1. Hurricane
2. Bush Bride 000
Convict Soup [RECIPE]
3. At Home in the Jungle 000
Sardine Surprise [RECIPE]
4. The Village Idiot 000
Traditional Maya Rice and Beans [RECIPE]
Modern Maya Beans [RECIPE]
5. No Lips or Eyelids 000
Chayote and Tomatoes [RECIPE]
Fried Plantains [RECIPE]
6. Kinship 000
Gibnut Gumbo [RECIPE]
Green Corn Dumplings [RECIPE]
7. Home Brew 000
Chicha [RECIPE]
8. Walking with the Dead 000
Lucia's Cilantro Stewed Chicken [RECIPE]
9. The Essential Nature of the Rainforest 000
Kekchi Scrambled Eggs [RECIPE]
Lancha [RECIPE]
10. Everybody and Her Brother 000
Flour Tortillas [RECIPE]
Chicken Vegetable Caldo with Samat [RECIPE]
11. Dick and Jane & Ilegorio y Teodora 000
Comal Cookies [RECIPE]
12. Hexed 000
Creamy Pumpkin Soup [RECIPE]
13. Strawberry Sunday 000
Escabeche [RECIPE]
14. Food Feud 000
Sesame Coconut Crunch [RECIPE]
15. "You Need a Second Husband" 000
Chickpea Soup with Cilantro and Pasta [RECIPE]
16. The Earth Is a Cornfield 000
Callaloo [RECIPE]
Bush Greens and Garbanzos [RECIPE]
17. A Feast among the Fallen Gods 000
Feast-Day Chile Verde [RECIPE]
Afterword 000