Introduction: Gender on the Borderlands - Antonia Castañeda
Part I. Claiming
"There is great good in returning": A Testimonio from the Borderlands - Yolanda Chavez Leyva
An Aztec Two-Spirit Cosmology: Re-sounding Nahuatl Masculinities, Elders, Femininities, and Youth - Gabriel S. Estrada
Part 2. Contextualizing
Gender on the Borderlands: Re-textualizing the Classics - Deena J. Gonzalez
Docile Children and Dangerous Revolutionaries: The Racial Hierarchy of Manliness and the Bisbee Deportation of 1917 - Katherine Benton-Cohen
Transborder Discourse: The Articulation of Gender in the Borderlands in the Early Twentieth Century - Clara Lomas
Part 3. Revisioning, Performing, Liberating
La Cultura, la Comunidad, la Familia, y la Libertad - Graciela I. Sanchez
Performance Artist Maria Elena Gaitan: Mapping a Continent without Borders (Epics of Gente Atravesada, Traviesa, y Entremetida) - Yolanda Broyles-Gonzalez
Borderlands Critical Subjectivity in Recent Chicana Art - Judith L. Huacja
Part 4. Excavating
Queering the Borderlands: The Challenges of Excavating the Invisible and Unheard - Emma Perez
rasgos asiaticos - Virginia Grise
Only Strong Women Stayed: Women Workers and the National Floral Workers Strike, 1968-1969 - Priscilla Falcon
Part 5. Living San Antonio
Una Historia de Una de Muchas Marias - Maria Antonietta Berriozabal
Rosita Fernandez: La Rosa de San Antonio - Debroah R. Vargas
Esperanza v. City of San Antonio: Politics, Power, and Culture - Amy Kastely
Carolina Munguia and Emma Tenayuca: The Politics of Benevolence and Radical Reform - Gabriela Gonzalez
Maria and Emma - Maria Antonietta Berriozabal
La Pasionaria (poetry) - Carmen Tafolla
Mujeres de San Antonio: Murals of Ema Tenayuca, Corazones de la Comunidad, and Rosita Fernanez (art) - Theresa A. Ybanez
Part 6. Globalizing
Globalization and Its Discontents: Exposing the Underside - Evelyn Hu-DeHart
Buscando La Vida: Mexican Immigrant Women's Memories of Home, Yearning, and Border Crossings - Maria de la Luz Ibarra
Immensa Fe en la Victoria: Social Justice through Education - Anita Tijerina Revilla