Foreword: Recent Emergence of Sprawl as an Issue in American Policy Debates - Neal Peirce
Part I. Sprawl in Context
1. Defining and Managing Sprawl - David C. Soule
2. Historical Framework: Citites and Their Regions, Suburbanization, and Federal Policies - David C. Soule
3. Legal Framework: The Laws of Sprawl and the Laws of Smart Growth - Jay Wickersham
4. Planning Framework: A Planning Framework for Managing Sprawl - Ralph Willmer
5. Economic Framework: The Economics of Sprawl - Zenia Kotval and John Mullin
6. Social Framework: Sprawl, Race, and Concentrated Poverty--Changing the "Rules of the Game" - David Rusk
7. Social Framework: Planning for a Civic Society--Investing in Social Infrastructure to Develop Social Capital - Meredith Cooper
8. Political Framework: The politics of Sprawl - David C. Soule
Part II. Sprawl Dynamics
9. Real Estate Markets and Property Law - David C. Soule
10. Transportation Systems: Market Choices and Fair Prices--Five Years of Twin Cities Research - Curtis Johnson
11. Atlanta Metropatterns: A Regional Agenda for Community and Stability - Myron Orfield
Part III. What's Wrong with Sprawl?
12. Shared Freedom: A Dynamic Standard for Equity in the Sprawl Debate - John Moynihan
13. The Impact of Sprawl on the Environment and Human Health - Sarah Gardner
14. The Cost of Sprawl - David C. Soule
Part IV. Measuring and Analyzing Sprawl
15. Measuring Change: Databases, Build-Out Analysis, Scenario Planning, and Models - David C. Soule
16. Taking Democracy to Scale: Tools for Planning at the Speed of Change - Ron Thomas
Part V. Cross-Cutting Issues
17. Sprawl and Local Government Taxation Regimes: Cause and Effect - Ari Bruening, James Hlawek, and David C. Soule
18. Immigration: Friend or Foe - Alexander von Hoffman and David C. Soule
Part VI. Policy Prescriptions
19. Governing Complexity: The Emergence of Regional Compacts - Douglas Henton, John Melville, and John Parr
20. The Local Arena: Changing Regulations and Standards to Address Sprawl - Terry Szold
21. Greenspace and Natural Resource Preservation - Robert Yaro
22. Regional Equity and Smart Growth: Opportunities for Advancing Social and Economic Justice in America - Angela Glover Blackwell and Radhika K. Fox
Appendix I: Database Resources
Appendix II: Web Sites for Sprawl Research
Appendix III: Contact Information for Smart-Growth Alliances
Appendix IV: Ahwahnee Principles for Resource-Efficient Communities
Comprehensive Bibliography
About the Editor and Contributors