"You are either a Mildred Walker enthusiast or you are missing one of the best writers on the American scene."—Philadelphia Inquirer
"A moving and satisfying story that the reader will not soon forget."—Christian Science Monitor
"A warm-hearted book and one that is wise and tender. Without undue emphasis, with brevity; common sense, and a dash of humor Miss Walker has told a story that has meaning for all of us."—Saturday Review of Literature
"A choice bit of authentic New England lore."—Library Journal
"A gem of a story, which leaves the reader wishing it hadn't stopped when it did."—Kirkus
"Real and poignant, impressive and true."—New York Herald Tribune
"As a study in old age, it has dignity and restraint. Its sentiment rings true, and Mrs. Elder is very much a person. . . . a quiet, appealing little exploration of one woman's adjustment to her advancing years, of one woman's joy in her home place."—Chicago Sunday Tribune