Abbreviations and conventions
The language and its speakers
1. Creek and the Creek-speaking peoples
2. Overview of the language
3. Creek dialects and ways of speaking
4. Phonemes
5. General phonological processes
6. The organization of phonemes into higher units
7. Stress and tone in nouns
8. Stress, tone, and grades in verbs
9. Orthography
Nouns and their modifiers
10. Nominalization
11. Compounding
12. Plural nouns
13. Size
14. Possession
15. Pronouns
16. Postpositions
17. Noun forms with adverbial function
18. Adjectival nouns (quantifiers)
Verbs and their modifiers
19. Locative prefixes
20. Agreement
21. Reflexives and reciprocals
22. Adding objects: dative and instrumental
23. Plural verbs
24. Voice alternations: middle -k-, causative -ic- and -ipeyc-
25. Impersonals
26. Degree
27. Verb forms with adverbial function
28. Aspect
29. Expressing time: tense and related notions
30. Negation
31. Mood
32. 'Be', auxiliaries, and modality
33. Numbers and quantifiers
34. Describing motion and direction
35. Existence
36. Sound-symbolic verbs
Discourse markers
37. Case and switch-reference markers
38. Focus of attention clitic
39. Referential clitic
40. Other markers
41. Word order and basic syntax
42. Clause types
43. Interpreting pronouns, reflexives, and reciprocals
44. Style
Appendix 1: Paradigms
Appendix 2: Texts
Appendix 3: List of common affixes