Introduction: Toward a Postpopulist Criticism
Part I: Does Place Matter?
1. Burning Montana: Richard Ford’s Wildlife and Regional Crisis
Tamas Dobozy
2. All My Stories Are Here: Four Montana Poets
Roger Dunsmore
3. West of Éire: Butte’s Irish Ethos
Matthew L. Jockers
Part II: Women Writing Montana
4. Home on the Range: Montana Romances and Geographies of Hope
Nancy Cook
5. Feminism and Postmodernism in the New West: Mary Blew and Montana Women’s Writing since 1990
William W. Bevis
Part III: Gay and Lesbian Literature Under a Big Sky
6. West of Desire: Queer Ambivalence in Montana Literature
Karl Olson
7. “Just Regular Guys”: Homophobia, the Code of the West, and Constructions of Male Identity in Thomas Savage and Annie Proulx
O. Alan Weltzien
Part IV: Native Revisions/The Problems of History
8. “He Never Wanted to Forget It”: Contesting the Idea of History in D’Arcy McNickle’s The Surrounded
Jim Rains
9. A Haunted Nation: Cultural Narratives and the Persistence of the Indigenous Subject in James Welch’s The Heartsong of Charging Elk
Andrea Opitz
10. “I Have Had Some Satisfactory Times”: The Yellowstone Kelly Novels of Peter Bowen
Gregory L. Morris
Part V: Hugo-Land
11. Richard Hugo’s Montana Poems: Blue Collars, Indians, and Tough Style
Steve Davenport
12. Semicolonial Moments: The History and Influence of the University of Montana Creative Writing Program
Lois M. Welch
Select Bibliography of Montana Writing