1. A Stick of Dynamite
2. Enter Cy Slapnicka
3. On the Road Again and Again
4. Striking Gold in His Own Backyard
5. You Gotta Have a Plan
6. Scouting in Wartime
7. After the War, the Show Goes On
8. Watch, but Don't Pick
9. Miles Behind, Miles Ahead, but No U-turns
10. First Brooklyn, Then Dodging His Way to the West Coast
11. A Mythical Combination
12. A Three-Traffic-Light Town and Loads of Talent
13. Hondo Hits Them High and Deep
14. Getting a Twofer
15. He Made Me Keep Coming Back
16. From No Prospect to Future Hall of Famer
17. Where There's a Tryout Camp, There's Hope
18. Make Way for Tomorrow
19. Building a New Dream
20. Let's Get Real about Rebuilding This Club
21. Trading Who, and Trading When
22. You Can Lose If You Don't Know the Rules
23. Finally a Winner
24. Looking at Another Scoreboard
25. History Repeats Itself
26. Overcoming Pitfalls in Seeking Certainty