List of Illustrations
Editor’s Note
Abbreviations: BBW=Buffalobird-woman; PW=Poor Wolf; GB=Goodbird; SW=Sioux Woman; GLW=Gilbert Wilson; WC=Wolf Chief; MS=Michael Scullin
1. Plants That Are Eaten
Domesticated plants (MS)
Sunflowers (BBW)
Corn-smut (BBW)
Prairie turnips (BBW)
Jerusalem artichokes (BBW)
Hogpeanut (BBW, WC, GB)
Chokecherries (BBW)
Making stone hammers (BBW)
Buffaloberries (BBW)
Gooseberries (BBW)
Black currants (BBW)
Wild grapes (BBW)
2. Plants That Can Be Eaten
Hawthorns (BBW)
Wild white onions (BBW)
Ball cactus (BBW, WC)
3. Plants That Are Sweet
Juneberries (BBW)
White juneberries (BBW)
Wild plums (BBW)
Strawberries (BBW)
Roses (BBW)
Red raspberries (BBW, SW, GB)
Biscuitroot (BBW)
Nannyberries (BBW)
Purple prairie clover (BBW)
4. Plants That Are Good to Chew
Sticky gum (BBW)
Pine pitch (BBW)
5. Plants That Smell Good
Purple meadow-rue (BBW)
Blue giant hyssop (BBW)
Sweetgrass (BBW)
Wild bergamot (BBW)
Pine needles (BBW)
Perfumes used in beds (BBW)
Beaver musk (BBW)
6. Plants That Have Medicinal Uses
Big medicine (BBW)
White and red baneberry (BBW)
Gumweed (WC)
Purple coneflower (WC)
“Medicine in the woods” (BBW)
Poison ivy (BBW)
Unknown grass (BBW, GB)
Peppermint (BBW)
7. Plants Used for Fiber
Dogbane (WC)
Upright sedge (BBW)
Grasswork ornaments on leggings (Isokikuas)
8. Plants Used for Smoking
Tobacco 9a (BBW)
Tobacco 9b (WC)
Red-osier dogwood (BBW)
Bearberry (BBW)
Bearberry or kinnikinnick (WC)
9. Plants Used for Dye and Coloring
Yellow owl’s-clover (BBW)
Water smartweed (BBW)
Dye plants—unidentified (BBW)
10. Plants Used for Toys
Umakixeke, or game of throwing sticks (BBW, GB)
Popguns (BBW)
A toy horse
Reed whistle (GB)
11. Plants Used for Utilitarian Purposes
Cordgrass (BBW)
Buckbrush (BBW)
Cattails (BBW)
Box elder (BBW)
Buffalograss (BBW)
Big bluestem (WC)
Common rush (BBW)
Scouringrush horsetail (WC)
Puffball (BBW)
Snakewood (BBW, WC)
Goldenrod (BBW)
Prairie grasses as fodder (WC)
12. Plants Used for Rituals or with Ritual Significance
The three kinds of sage (WC)
Pasture sage 1 (BBW, GB)
Pasture sage 2 (BBW, WC)
Common sagewort (BBW, WC, GB)
Black sage (BBW, WC)
Fringed sage (PW)
Juniper (Cedar) (BBW, WC, GB)
Creeping juniper (BBW, GB)
Prairie sandreed (WC)
Bittersweet (WC)
13. Sources of Wood
Wood as a resource (MS)
Cottonwood (WC)
Ash (BBW)
Peachleaf willow (BBW)
Sandbar willow (BBW, WC, GB)
Heart-leaved willow (BBW)
Quaking aspen (BBW)
American elm (BBW)
Water birch (BBW)
Box elder (BBW)
14. Uses of Wood
Gathering firewood (WC)
Digging-sticks (BBW, WC)
Mortar and pestle (BBW)
Making a bullboat frame (BBW)
Making a wooden bowl (WC)
Rakes (and the bison scapula hoe) (BBW, WC)
Paddle for working clay pots (cottonwood bark) (GLW)
15. Arrows
Significance and utility (MS)
Making arrows (WC)
Types of arrows (WC)
Bows (WC)
Arrows for boys (BBW, GB)
Mock battle with grass arrows (WC)
16. Earthlodges
Building an earthlodge (BBW)
On earthlodges (The observations of Hairy Coat and Not A Woman)
Winter lodges and twin lodges (BBW)
The peaked or tipi-shaped hunting lodge (BBW)
The use of sod as an earthlodge covering
Dismantling an old earthlodge (BBW)
Like-a-Fishhook Village and environs (WC)
17. Miscellaneous Material
Basket making (BBW)
Native drinks of the Hidatsas (BBW)
How our meals were served (GB)
Nettles (BBW)
Forest fire (GLW)
Appendix: Frederick N. Wilson’s Comments on “The Hidatsa Earthlodge”