Editorial Principles and Documentation
My First Booke
Bpp Halls Obseruations in his booke of Meditations And Vowes
A Praier
The dedication
The birth of Alice Wandesforde
A Preface to the booke
Vppon my deliuerance from death, by a fall when I was 3 years old
A preseruation in the Meassells
A Preseruation in the smale-Pox, 1631
The first dawning of Gods Spirit in my heart
A deliuerance from a fire in London, 1631
My Mothers goeing into Ireland, 1632, 33, 34, 35
A great deliuerance from drowning In Ireland by a fall out of the Coach
A great deliuerance from a 2d fall att Sr Robert Merideths in Dublin, 1637
A deliuerance from a fire & other remarkables
A dreadfull fire in the Castle of Dublin, 1638
A deliuerance from Ship-Rack in A Passage into Ireland
A thankesgiueing for our deliuerances affter our dangerous passage by Sea
Obseruations vppon seuerall accidents happening in Ireland vppon the Earle of Strafford . . . and on his fatall murder, may 12, 1641
A Relation conserning my Honoured Father, the Lord Deputy Wandesforde, & of his Death, December 3d 1640
Account of the Lord Deputys Death
Meditations & Praier vppon the Death of my Honoured Father
A Praier vppon my fathers Death
A Prayer to be said before wee Receiue, Made by my father before he went into Ireland, 1628
My Mothers Preseruation from the Irish Rebellion, October 23d 1641. A Thankesgiueing for our great deliueration
A thankesgiueing for preseruation from the Rebellion in Ireland, Octb 23, 1641
Vppon my Mothers comming to Weschester from Ireland & of my haueing the Smale Pox
A Thankesgiueing affter my recouery from the smale Pox in weschester, 1642
A discourse of passages & deliuerances of my Mother & vs 3 Children
A deliuerance from a Surfett of Lobster att Richmond, 1643
A Gratefull Remembrance of my beeing preserued from the fury of the warres
A great deliurance from the violence of a Rape from Ierimy Smithson
My deliurance from Drowning in the Riuer att Midlam . . . in the yeare 1644
The death of My Sister Danby, September 30th 1645, att her house at Thorpe
The death of my Cosen Iohn Norton, 1646
The death of Sr Edward Osborne, 1646
The marriage of my Cozen Edmund Norton
The death of my Cosen Edmund Norton
Vppon the beheading of King Charles the Martyr Ian 30th 1648
The death of my cozen Iulian Norton
Vppon the Death of my brother George Wandesforde, March 31, 1651, & of his Sequestration, & other troubles
A Lamentation, & Prayer, vppon the death of my honoured brother George Wandesforde Esquire
Vppon the reconsileing of my two Brothers George & Christopher Wandesford
An Eligie vpon George Wandesford Esqr on his vnfortunate Death, by the Honourable Sr Christopher Wyuill Barronett
Obseruations of Gods goodnesse . . . in the time of the Warres & Distractions
The Marriage of my Cosen Mary Norton
The Marriage of my brother Christopher Wandesforde
The Mariage of Alice Wandesforde, December 15, 1651
A Relation of the Remarkable passages of my Life Since my Marriage
A deliuerance from death that day on which I was married, December 15th 1651
Meditations vpon my deliuerance of my first Childe, & of the great sicknesse followed
A praier & thankesgiueing for my deliuerance of my first Childe August 6th 1652
Vppon the Birth of my Second childe, & Daughter Alice Thornton
A praier & thanksgiueing for my deliuerance of my Second daughter Ian. 3d 1654
Meditations vppon the birth of my 3d childe Eliz. Thornton, borne the 14th of February 1655
A thanksgiueing affter the birth of my 3d childe Betty
The death of my husbands Mother
The death of my husbands father in Law
The death of my husbands brother Richeard Thornton
Meditation vppon the birth of my 4th childe Katherin Thornton Iune 12th 1656
A prayer before the deliuery of my daughter Alice Thornton, Iune the 12th 1656, by Alice Wandesford
A Thankesgiueing affter the deliuery of my Daughter Alice Thornton
Elizabeth Thorntons death, the 5th of September 1656
A Praier After the death of my 3d childe Betty Thornton
Vppon my great fall I had, beeing with childe of my 5th, September 14th 1657
Meditations on the deliuerance of my first Sonne and fifth Childe, Att Hipswell the 10th of December 1657
A praier vpon my preseruation affter the birth of my first Sonn & his death
My Cure of Bleeding at Scarbrough, August 1659
A thanksgiueing affter my recouery
1659. Considerations on the Publike Troubles
A Praier to God for the Church & restoration of the King, Nouember 1659
A Relation conserning my deare & honoured Mother the Lady Wandesforde & of her Death December 10th 1659
The relattion of her sicknesse heere followes
Seuerall Prayers made by my Mother proper for the time of the holy Sacrament as Eiaculations
My deliuery of my Son William, my 6th childe, & of his death
Verses vpon the incertainty of Earthly comfort
A thankesgiuing for the restoration of King Charles the second of his Coronation, May 29th 1660
A Praier & Thanksgiueing for deliuerance from destruction of the Kingdom, 1660
Vppon my Husband & Families Remouall from St Nickolas to Oswold Church, neare Newton, Iune 10, 1660
My greatt Sicknesse att oswoldkirke february 13th 1661
Vppon our comeing to liue at Newton affter the house was built in the yeare 1662, Iune the 10th
Of the grand mercy I had in the first Sacrament at Easte Newton affter we built the house, August 1662
Mr Coluills Settlement of Mr Thorntons Estate, 1662
Vppon my deliuerance of my Sonne Robert Thornton, my 7th Childe, . . . September 19th 1662
A Thanksgiueing affter my deliuerance of my Son Robert
Mr Thorntons Preseruation from drowning, Oct. 1664
Vpon the birth of my 8th Childe Ioyce Thornton Sept. 23d 1665
A Relation of Mr Thorntons dangerous fitt of the Palsie at Steersby No. 16th 1665
A Prayer after Mr Thorntons Recouery, No. 28th 1665
Vppon my deare Ioyce her death Ian. 26, 1665
Vpon my Daughter Alice preseruation in a sirfitt Iune 13th 1665
Of my dangerous Sickenesse, August 16th 1666
The great fire in London
My daughter Katherine Thorntons preseruation in the smale Pox the 29th of Sept. 1666
The death of my Brother Iohn Wandesford, De. 2d 1666
The murder of my Cosen William Norton
My Son Roberts haueing the smale Pox Ian. 5, 1667, and of his recouery perfectly againe
My daughter Alice Thornton her Smale Pox, Ian. 25, 67
My nephew John Dentons smale Pox
The 8th of Aprill 1667 Nally had a Pearle on her Eye
Kate Thornton was preserued from choakeing
Her preseruation from death by a fall
The Murder of my deare Nephew Thomas Danby August 1, 1667
The birth of my Sonne Christopher, my 9th Childe, No. 11, 1667, & of his Death, Dec. 1st 1667
My trouble vpon Seuerall accidents
Considerations vpon Mr Thorntons Seuerall relapses & of the Signing the Childrens Settlement for Portions
On Mrs Anne Danbys going to Hooly Ap. 20, 67
Vppon my Sad condittion & Sicknesse that beffell me by the Slanders Raised against me, Iuly 20th 1668
Vppon my lamentable abuses of fallse slanders raised against me, Iuly 20th 1668
My Son Robert Thornton preserued Iuly 25, 1668
A relation of the last sicknesse and Death of my deare & honoured husband Willm Thornton Esqr . . . September 17th 1668
Prayers & Pettitions vpon this Sad Dispensation of the death of my deare & honoured husband
The Widdowes Praieer for her self & Childeren
Our Sauiours command
Mr Thorntons Motto & my owne
Verces vpon Christ & the Church
Against the feares of Death
An inducement to loue Heauen
A faire-well to the World
My faithfull Soules wish
Vppon Rash Censorers
Verses vpon the loss of my deare brother George Wandesford