Introducing Abraham Lincoln
1. Lincoln Is Nominated
2. The Campaign of 1860
3. Interregnum
4. From Springfield to Washington
5. Lincoln Frames a Cabinet
6. The First Inaugural
7. Fort Sumter Crisis
8. The First Civil War Congress
9. The Loyalty Question in Border Slave States
10. Missouri, an Unruly Union Partner
11. Frémont Proclaims Freedom in Missouri
12. First Bull Run
13. Enter McClellan
14. The Thirty-Seventh Congress, Second Session
15. Grant and the War in the West
16. Exit McClellan, Enter Pope, and Another Bull Run
17. Antietam and Another McClellan Exit
18. Emancipation
19. The Fall of 1862
20. A Winter of Discontent
21. The Supreme Court and Lincoln’s War Powers
22. Hooker and Chancellorsville
23. Vallandigham and Civil Liberties
24. Arming Black Soldiers
25. Gibraltar of the West
26. Gettysburg
27. Lincoln vs. Seymour
28. The Emergence of Grant
29. Thirty-Eighth Congress, First Session
30. Reconstruction
31. Grant Moves South
32. Presidential Nomination Saga
33. The Election of 1864
34. The Last Civil War Congress
35. The Hampton Roads Peace Conference
36. Death of Lincoln