Theory of Fiction


Theory of Fiction

Henry James

Edited and with an introduction by James E. Miller Jr.

367 pages


December 1971


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About the Book

Comprised of more than 250 selections from Henry James's stories about writers, his critical and speculative essays, his Notebooks, Prefaces, and letters, this collection brings together for the first time, in a single, systematic volume, all the important passages in James's work which have implications for or ideas about his theory of fiction. The result is the most comprehensive, exhaustive, and innovative volume of fictional theory ever published; in many ways it is the consummation of James's contribution to letters.

In a masterful introductory essay, James E. Miller Jr., presents James's theory of fiction in outline; he also contributes brief introductions to each of the seventeen chapters, summarizing the major points. Abundant guides direct the reader to subjects and sources.

Author Bio

James E. Miller Jr., a professor of English at the University of Chicago, has written or edited fifteen books. He has served as editor of College English (1960-66) and as president of the National Council of Teachers of English (1969-70), and is a member of the PMLA editorial board.