List of Illustrations
Editors’ Introduction
1. The Falling-Out between Alexander Goldenweiser and Robert Lowie: Two Personalities, Two Visions of Anthropology
Sergei Kan
2. Forms of Relatedness: Harlan Smith and the Taxonomic Method
Dorothee Schreiber
3. Echoes of the Class Struggle in France: Exoticism, Religion, and Politics in Fustel de Coulanges’s The Ancient City
Robert Launay
4. “I Have Not Advanced a Single Theory”: Mayan Ruins, Popular Culture, and Academic Authority in 19th-Century America
Fernando Armstrong-Fumero
5. Edmund Leach and the Rise of Cultural Polyvocality: A Case Study from the Ulúa Valley, Honduras
Kathryn M. Hudson
6. Anthropology in Cuba
Leif Korsbaek and Marcela Barrios Luna
7. An Unfinished Ethnography: Carl Withers’s Cuban Fieldwork and the Book That Never Was
Jorge L. Giovannetti
8. Reading “The Redbook Columns”
Susan R. Trencher