List of Figures
Part 1. Stuff about Deer
1. Chronic Wasting Disease, Deer, and You
2. The “Common Ground” among Genetics, CWD, and Bedbugs
3. Deer Teeth and CWD
4. CWD and Prions
5. Let’s Expose a Bunch of People to CWD and See What Happens
6. What Does per Capita Cheese Consumption and the Number of People Who Died by Becoming Tangled in Bedsheets Have to Do with CWD and Scrapie?
7. Cats and Deer: It Just Gets Worse
8. Adaptations of Deer Evolving through Time
9. Things Deer Do
10. Why Don’t Deer Noses Freeze in the Winter?
11. Deer as Long-Term Survivors
12. Deer and Optometrists
13. Deer Numbers amid Changing Landscapes versus Our Memories
14. Good Morning, Deer, Did You Sleep Well?
15. Deer Parasites for Fifty Dollars
16. Should Deer Use Bug Spray?
17. Fawn Hide and Seek
18. Now You See Them (Deer), Now You Don’t
19. Birth Control to Manage Deer Backfires
Part 2. Nature Amazes on Land
20. Can a Sheep’s Horns Be Too Big?
21. Moose Drool
22. The Worlds We Don’t See: Mysophobes Beware
23. Stripes of the Zebra
24. The Answer, My Friend, Is Peeing in the Wind?
25. From Billions to Martha
26. Rewilding
27. Was the Labrador Duck Real?
28. Looking Like a Duck Decoy
29. How Long Have Man and Dog Been Best Friends?
30. My Dog Does What in Which Direction?
31. Wildlife with Weather Stations
32. What’s Wrong with Fewer Large Carnivores?
33. You Are What You Eat, So Be Careful or You Might Be Goosed
34. Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
35. Nebraska Cranes, Now and Then
36. Turkey Talk
37. What Does Mammoth Taste Like?
38. Why Are Pronghorns So Fast?
39. Old Man River Doesn’t Mean Much to a Duck
40. Phantom Roads and Birds
41. How About a Road Trip to Mars?
42. If You Are What You Eat, and What You Eat Stinks, Do Your Friends Say Something?
43. A Long-Term Perspective on Ruffed Grouse
Part 3. Nature Amazes in the Water
44. Cod Almighty
45. Do Fish Eat Cormorants?
46. Do Fish Feel Pain?
47. When Catfish Are Hungry, Watch Your Step
48. The Science behind Catch-and-Release
49. Catch and Release Effects on Northern Pike
50. What Happens to Northern Pike That Swim Off with a Lure in Their Mouths?
51. Too Many Big Fish in a Lake Can Be a Bad Sign
52. Can Fisheries Science Inform Fisheries Management?
53. The Resurrection Ecology of Water Fleas Tells Us about Changes in a Minnesota Lake
54. How Do You Say 1,,,,,,,,,,?
55. Gape and Suck
Part 4. Humans and Nature
56. Alternative Facts and Managing Game and Fish Populations
57. No Food, No Clean Water, No Wildlife Habitat and Noise, Air, Soil, and Water Pollution: What Is It?
58. Big Mammals Gone—Who or What Done It?
59. Government Agencies Need to Step Up against Cats Outdoors
60. Pascal’s Wager and Climate Change Skepticism
61. A Scientific Program Dedicated to Eradicating Feral Cats: Eradicat!
62. How Exactly Does “Science” Work?
Part 5. Stuff for Hunters
63. Never Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Story about Cecil
64. Hunting for Meat
65. What Do Conceal-and-Carry Permits Have in Common with Four-Wheel Drive?
66. How Could over Four Hundred Pellets Possibly Miss a Clay Pigeon?
67. I Wouldn’t Kill an Animal, but I’m Not a Vegetarian
68. On Being a Vegetarian
69. Killing Feral Hogs Is Bad for the Environment—Huh?
70. Maybe It’s Where You Put the Arrow, Not What You Put at the End of It
71. Is Lead Dead in Hunting?
72. Getting the Lead Out, Take 2
73. Putting the “Safe” in Your Gun’s Safety
74. Rattling, for Success
75. Keeping Old Dogs in the Loop
Postscript: Perspectives and Parting Thoughts