"This provocative and timely book deserves an attentive audience."—Bruce J. Dinges, Roundup Magazine
“My Side of the River establishes Elias Kelly as a passionate, outspoken advocate for Alaska Native resource management rights. Combining cultural knowledge and traditions with a university degree, he provides a unique perspective on a complex set of issues facing Alaskans: Who decides where, when, and how fish, wildlife, and other natural resources are managed, and by whom? Such questions are vital to all of us as we meet an onrushing future.”—Nick Jans, author of The Last Light Breaking
“In My Side of the River Elias Kelly presents a unique Alaska Native voice as he recounts his personal experiences—growing up along the Yukon, fishing with his brothers, and hunting with friends up sloughs and downriver. He is telling his own story and, at the same time, sharing opinions that will ring true for many Alaska Natives.”—Ann Fienup-Riordan, author of Wise Words of the Yup’ik People: We Talk to You because We Love You