Geoffrey Kimball is a research associate in the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University. He is the author of Yukhíti Kóy: A Reference Grammar of the Atakapa Language (Nebraska, 2022), Koasati Traditional Narratives (Nebraska, 2010), Koasati Dictionary (Nebraska, 1994), and Koasati Grammar (Nebraska, 1991). Watt Sam (c. 1877–1944), a member of the Cherokee Nation, was one of the last remaining speakers of the Natchez language. He worked extensively with Mary R. Haas and other linguists to record vocabulary, grammar, and more than seventy traditional narratives. Nancy Raven (c. 1874–1957), a member of the Cherokee Nation, was upon her death the last known speaker of Natchez. She worked extensively with Mary R. Haas to record vocabulary, grammar, and fourteen literary narratives.