"A quiet but compelling case for working in policy research and advocacy."—Kirkus
“Loving and Leaving Washington is John Yochelson’s personal odyssey, tracing a youthful yen for public service through years of nonprofit leadership and now, unhappily, to growing doubts about the capacity of our political system to produce good government. Our democracy is being tested. John brings experience and fresh thinking to the challenge of restoring his vision of effective, satisfying public service.”—Paul A. Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve
“Any student considering a career in public service will find that John Yochelson’s memoir is full of valuable insights about creating meaningful social and economic change. He offers not only his own rich experiences with high-level decision makers but also a keen analysis of the economic and political landscape of the United States.”—Shirley Ann Jackson, president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“For anyone who wants to learn more about public service and the need for bipartisanship to get things done in Washington. John Yochelson’s advice and commonsense approach are much needed today and will be particularly valuable for the next generation of leaders.”—Sam Nunn, former U.S. senator and current co-chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative
“John’s story of collaboration, compromise, and true public service sets the bar for what the next generation of political leaders must be. This kind of public service, which solves the nation’s problems rather than defining success in terms of political gain, is the only way to deal with the serious challenges we face today.”—Michael E. Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School and author of On Competition