"This book is well worth reading, not only for the military history it covers but for the social, political, and economic consequences of war."—Charles H. Bogart, Journal of America's Military Past
"Whether a student of the Civil War, someone captivated by a border state's attitude towards the issues dividing the nation at that time, or someone interested in a biography of a little-known yet patriotic man, this book is well worth the read."—Marc Storch, FORUM
Excerpt from Wolford’s Cavalry:
“If many of [Wolford’s] political notions have become unacceptable in what we hope and believe is a more enlightened time, his record as a fighting Union man remains as one to be honored. That is the way it is with Wolford. Every statement of fact about this exasperating Kentuckian can be countered with, “Yes, but . . . ” Therein lies the interest and the aggravation.”