"Fiction and nonfiction literature on special operations have become highly popular in recent years. For anyone interested in the subject, this well-written, authoritative and fascinating account of a daring raid in the Red Sea is a must."—Uri Bar-Joseph, Jerusalem Post
"Readers with an interest in contemporary special operations will enjoy this book."—Mike Markowitz, Strategy Page
“This is the riveting and untold story of the behind-the-scenes intelligence and operational heroes who overcame tremendous obstacles to capture a massive weapons smuggling ship, which permanently and fundamentally altered U.S. policy in the region regarding the Palestinians and Iran.”—Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz (Res.), former Israeli defense minister and Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff
“For Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush, the Karine A affair obliterated the vestiges of Arafat’s reputation as a peacemaker. It was a decisive event in the history of U.S.–Middle East policy. It shifted the balance of bureaucratic power away from those intent on wooing Arafat to those determined to shun him. The ship’s capture is a story as thrilling as an episode of Fauda. General Gilboa gives a lively account—exciting, incisive, and historically valuable.”—Douglas J. Feith, former undersecretary of defense for policy and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute
“In the public’s imagination, usually the Israeli Air Force is the tip of the sword protecting the Jewish state. This time it was naval intelligence and commandos who saved the country from a hail of fiery missiles that would have spelled catastrophe in the days before meaningful missile defense.”—Adm. Yedidya Yaari (Res.), former chief of Israeli Defense Forces Navy
“The Karine A story exposed the cooperation between Yasir Arafat, Iran, and Hezbollah in their attempt to kill thousands of Israelis. The book depicts this and Israeli intelligence’s efforts, backed by its American counterpart, in a captivating fashion—from the first scent picked up by intelligence that there was trouble until the final diplomatic results.”—Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser (Res.), former head of the Analysis and Production Division of Israeli Defense Forces Intelligence