List of Illustrations
Introduction: Compassion, Cussedness, and Class
1. Push, Pluck, Prominence, and Merit
2. Among the Favored Few
3. As If I Had Thrown a Bomb into the Room
4. The Count
5. Petunia Ticklebritches
6. Everything Was Precise
7. We Went, We Saw, We Were Stunned
8. Stupid, Vacant, and Void of Hope
9. As the Moonlight Turned Barn Roofs to Silver
10. Tell Claude Ferebee to Keep His Shirt On
11. Madeline, My Concerto
12. The Skipper
13. Some Stuff
14. Every Bone in the Body
15. A Matter for Grave Concern
16. One of the Coldest Winters We Ever Had
17. As Good as I Could
18. You Were Grand as Ever
19. A Bad Bitter Pill
20. A Citizen Concerned with International Affairs
21. Woman Power
22. I Should Not Be Here but I Had to Come
Epilogue: Going Home