List of Illustrations
Prologue: The Fighter Pilot
Jostein Grønflaten
Introduction: The Air Option
John Andreas Olsen
List of Abbreviations
Part 1. European Air Powers
1. French Air Power: Effectiveness through Constraints
Etienne de Durand
2. German Air Power: Ready to Participate in Joint and Combined Operations
Holger H. Mey
3. Turkish Air Power: Toward Full-Spectrum Aerospace Forces
Christian F. Anrig
4. British Air Power: Allowing the UK to Punch above Its Weight
Peter W. Gray
Part 2. Nordic Air Powers
5. Norwegian Air Power: Staying Relevant in a New Era
Finn Kristian Hannestad
6. Danish Air Power: From the Cold War to Contemporary Air Operations
Henrik Røboe Dam
7. Swedish Air Power: Delivering Independently, Joint, and Combined
Micael Bydén
8. Finnish Air Power: In Defense of the Homeland
Lauri Tapio Puranen
Part 3. Reflections: Where Do We Go from Here?
9. Approaching the End?
Martin van Creveld
10. The Response to Uncertainty
R. A. Mason
Selected Bibliography