List of Illustrations
List of Tables
1. The First Lion
2. Superpower Relations
3. The Lion’s Den
4. The Next Lion
5. The Power of Decision
6. Encountering Turbulence
7. Mysterious as a Ghost Ship
8. Funding Measures
9. The Lion Unveiled
10. Inside the Department of Defense
11. With the Sky at Stake
12. In the Ministry of Defense
13. Broken Wings
14. Jerusalem Takes Stock
15. America in the Mirror
Appendix Nomenclature
Appendix 1: Aerodynamics and a Philosophy for Design
Appendix 2: Stability and Control
Appendix 3: Airframe and Structure
Appendix 4: Propulsion and Defining the Mission
Appendix 5: Avionics, Electronics, and the Man-Machine Interface
Appendix 6: Armament and Combat
Appendix 7: Performance and Bringing the Pieces Together