“In Rock, Water, Wild, Lord takes readers along as she journeys among salmon, sea lions, geese, moose, bears, glaciers, and indigenous languages and ultimately into a new understanding, beyond geographic borders, of our intricate and intimate connections to the natural world.”—Sandy Amazeen,

“Nancy Lord says that for her, living and writing are stones that she turns over and over in her hands, all through her thinking life. For me, her books have been bright reflections from those well-polished stones—clear messages from a life lived well, out of doors, in the North. . . . . You will read this book with pleasure and wonder—and afterward, the world will be a larger, better place.”—Robert Michael Pyle, author of Sky Time in Gray’s River: Living for Keeps in a Forgotten Place

Lake Clark National Park

Wild Salmon Center

Gates of the Arctic, National Park and Preserve

Arrigetch Peaks