Indigenous Films
The series explores and illuminates individual films produced by or about indigenous peoples around the globe. Each book in the series focuses on one film, addressing key issues raised by the film and demonstrating effective ways to interpret the film. The purpose of the series is to provide short, accessible, and affordable companions to major indigenous films that can be used in classrooms across a number of fields and by the general public.
Series Editors
David Delgado Shorter
Randolph Lewis
Acquiring Editor
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Settler Aesthetics
Visualizing the Spectacle of Originary Moments in The New World
Publisher: Nebraska
Pub Date: November 2023
Cinematic Comanches
The Lone Ranger in the Media Borderlands
Publisher: Nebraska
Pub Date: January 2022
Settler Aesthetics
Visualizing the Spectacle of Originary Moments in The New World
Publisher: Nebraska
Pub Date: November 2023
Cinematic Comanches
The Lone Ranger in the Media Borderlands
Publisher: Nebraska
Pub Date: January 2022