Western History Association

Welcome to our WHA virtual book exhibit! We are offering our convention discount of 40% off and free shipping until 12/15/2024 with the code 6WHA24.

We welcome new submissions. To submit a proposal please contact:

Bridget Barry
Editor in Chief

Matt Bokovoy
Senior Acquisitions Editor

W. Clark Whitehorn
Senior Acquisitions Editor

Hal K. Rothman
Book Prize and
Robert M. Utley Prize

Western History Prize

Robert M. Utley Prize

Dwight L. Smith
(ABC-CLIO) Award

To save 40% enter the code 6WHA24 in the promotion code field of your shopping cart and click “Add Promotion Code.” Offer expires 12/15/2024 and is good for U.S. and Canadian shipments only.

To purchase books outside of North America, please contact Combined Academic Publishers by email at enquiries@combinedacademic.co.uk.

Not Just Green, Not Just White

Mary E. Mendoza, Traci Brynne Voyles, Patricia Nelson Limerick

Of Corn and Catholicism

Andrea Maria McComb Sanchez

Taking Charge, Making Change

Robert W. Galler Jr.

Great Plains Ethnohistory

Rani-Henrik Andersson, Thierry Veyrié, Logan Sutton

Indigenous Sacraments

Oriol Ambrogio Gali

Walks on the Ground

Louis V. Headman, Sean O'Neill

Sandoz Studies, Volume 2

Renée M. Laegreid

Grit and Ghosts

Robin Foster

Rainbow Cattle Co.

Nicholas Villanueva Jr.

Between Black and Brown

Rebecca Romo, G. Reginald Daniel, J Sterphone


Leslie Patten, Harley G. Shaw

Twisting in Air

Carol Bradley

Walking to Magdalena

Seth Schermerhorn

Land of Sunshine

Sigrid Anderson

No Friday Night Lights

John M. Glionna, Glenn Stout, Ron Kantowski

Framing Nature

Yolonda Youngs

City of Vice

James Mallery

On Our Own Terms

Meredith McCoy

We Are Not Animals

Martin Rizzo-Martinez, Valentin Lopez

Risking Immeasurable Harm

Benjamin C. Montoya

The Boy Who Promised Me Horses

David Joseph Charpentier, He'seota'e Miner

Cast Out of Eden

Robert Aquinas McNally

Hush of the Land

Arnold "Smoke" Elser, Eva-Maria Maggi, Tammy Elser

Journey to Freedom

Gail Shaffer Blankenau

My Grandfather's Altar

Richard Moves Camp, Simon J. Joseph

The Selected Works of Ora Eddleman Reed

Ora Eddleman Reed, Cari M. Carpenter, Karen L. Kilcup, Kirby Brown

Wallace Stegner's Unsettled Country

Mark Fiege, Leisl Carr Childers, Michael J. Lansing

Black Montana

Anthony W. Wood

Galloping Gourmet

Steve Friesen

Great Plains Forts

Jay H. Buckley, Jeffery D. Nokes

From Back Alley to the Border

Alicia Gutierrez-Romine

The Grapes of Conquest

Julia Ornelas-Higdon

Urban Homelands

Lindsey Claire Smith

The Incorrigibles

Ry Marcattilio-McCracken

Hospital and Haven

Mary F. Ehrlander, Hild M. Peters

Shape Shifters

Lily Anne Y. Welty Tamai, Ingrid Dineen-Wimberly, Paul Spickard

Oracle of Lost Causes

Matthew Christopher Hulbert

A Generation Removed

Margaret D. Jacobs

The First Migrants

Richard Edwards, Jacob K. Friefeld, Angela Bates

Back from the Collapse

Curtis H. Freese

A Connected Metropolis

Maxwell Johnson

Unfair Labor?

David R. M. Beck

The First Atomic Bomb

Janet Farrell Brodie

Agents of Empire

James Robbins Jewell

Losing Eden

Sara Dant, Tom S. Udall

A Bride Goes West

Nannie T. Alderson, Helena Huntington Smith, Jeanie Alderson

Blood in the Borderlands

David C. Beyreis

The Collected Writings of Sherman and Grace Coolidge

Sherman Coolidge, Grace Coolidge, Tadeusz Lewandowski

Twenty Miles of Fence

Bob West, Janet Fogg

Sitting Bull and the Paradox of Lakota Nationhood

Gary C. Anderson, Mark C. Carnes, Mark C. Carnes


R. Eli Paul

Watch the Bear

Derek Stonorov


Ann McGrath, Jakelin Troy, Laura Rademaker

The Imperial Gridiron

Matthew Bentley, John D. Bloom

Imperial Zions

Amanda Hendrix-Komoto

The Settler Sea

Traci Brynne Voyles

Cattle Beet Capital

Michael Weeks

Managing Sex in the U.S. Military

Beth Bailey, Alesha E. Doan, Shannon Portillo, Kara Dixon Vuic

Liverpool to Great Salt Lake

LaJean Purcell Carruth, Ronald G. Watt, Fred E. Woods

Making a Modern U.S. West

Sarah Deutsch, Richard W. Etulain

Cinematic Comanches

Dustin Tahmahkera

A Horse's Tale

Mark Twain, Charles C. Bradshaw, Shelley Fisher Fishkin

 Use discount code WHA202420  at checkout for a 20% discount on these journals through 11/30/2024.