Women’s History Month Sale

“We’d never have got through it if I hadn’t been so strong.”—Ántonia Shimerda in My Ántonia by Willa Cather

Save 50% off these books during Women’s History Month! Enter the code 6WHM25 in the discount code field of your shopping cart and click “Apply.” Offer expires March 31, 2025 and is good on U.S. and Canadian shipments only.

Women Made Visible

Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico City

Pacific Lady

The First Woman to Sail Solo across the World's Largest Ocean

Praise Her Works

Conversations with Biblical Women

Travel and Travail

Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World

A Civil Society

The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744–1944


How Toxic Callout Culture Is Destroying Feminism

Land of Sunshine

Race, Gender, and Regional Development in a California Periodical

The Mysterious Sofía

One Woman's Mission to Save Catholicism in Twentieth-Century Mexico

In the Land of the Grasshopper Song

Two Women in the Klamath River Indian Country in 1908-09, Second Edition

Managing Sex in the U.S. Military

Gender, Identity, and Behavior

Why She Plays

The World of Women's Basketball

Women Who Kill Men

California Courts, Gender, and the Press

Elder Northfield's Home

or, Sacrificed on the Mormon Altar

Practiced Citizenship

Women, Gender, and the State in Modern France

The Meneket Rivkah

A Manual of Wisdom and Piety for Jewish Women

It's My Country Too

Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan

To Hell and Back

The Life of Samira Bellil

Georgia and Anita

The Lifelong Friendship of Georgia O'Keeffe and Anita Pollitzer

Domestic Economies

Family, Work, and Welfare in Mexico City, 1884-1943

Houses of Study

A Jewish Woman among Books

Colonial Metropolis

The Urban Grounds of Anti-Imperialism and Feminism in Interwar Paris

Horrible Mothers

Representations across Francophone North America

Cultural Negotiations

The Role of Women in the Founding of Americanist Archaeology

Cherokee Sister

The Collected Writings of Catharine Brown, 1818-1823

The Forgotten Botanist

Sara Plummer Lemmon's Life of Science and Art


Or Woman's Trials and Triumphs

At Home in the World

California Women and the Postwar Environmental Movement

The Case of Rose Bird

Gender, Politics, and the California Courts

The Enigma Woman

The Death Sentence of Nellie May Madison

Proof of Guilt

Barbara Graham and the Politics of Executing Women in America

Undesirable Practices

Women, Children, and the Politics of the Body in Northern Ghana, 1930–1972

The Newspaper Warrior

Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891

Gender on the Borderlands

The Frontiers Reader

From Chernobyl with Love

Reporting from the Ruins of the Soviet Union

Abuses of the Erotic

Militarizing Sexuality in the Post-Cold War United States

California Women and Politics

From the Gold Rush to the Great Depression

Queering Kansas City Jazz

Gender, Performance, and the History of a Scene

Louise Pound

Scholar, Athlete, Feminist Pioneer

Lilith's Ark

Teenage Tales of Biblical Women

Nature's Aristocracy

A Plea for the Oppressed

Postcolonial Hauntologies

African Women's Discourses of the Female Body

Living West as Feminists

Conversations about the Where of Us

The Incarceration of Native American Women

Creating Pathways to Wellness and Recovery through Gentle Action Theory

Women's American Football

Breaking Barriers On and Off the Gridiron

Eyes Right

Confessions from a Woman Marine

Ruby of Cochin

An Indian Jewish Woman Remembers

Mayor Helen Boosalis

My Mother's Life in Politics

Katie Gale

A Coast Salish Woman's Life on Oyster Bay

Wise Latinas

Writers on Higher Education

Gendered Citizenship

The Original Conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment, 1920–1963

Feminist Formalism and Early Modern Women's Writing

Readings, Conversations, Pedagogies

Baseball Rebels

The Players, People, and Social Movements That Shook Up the Game and Changed America

An Unladylike Profession

American Women War Correspondents in World War I

In the Trenches

A Russian Woman Soldier's Story of World War I

A Woman of Adventure

The Life and Times of First Lady Lou Henry Hoover

Writings from the Sand, Volume 1

Collected Works of Isabelle Eberhardt

Writings from the Sand, Volume 2

Collected Works of Isabelle Eberhardt

Diversifying Diplomacy

My Journey from Roxbury to Dakar

Public Privates

Feminist Geographies of Mediated Spaces


Narcissism, Patriarchy, and the Culture of Terrorism

White Gold

Stories of Breast Milk Sharing


A Memoir

Biblical Women Speak

Hearing Their Voices through New and Ancient Midrash

Out of Joint

A Private and Public Story of Arthritis


Queer Cultures and State Violence in Argentina and Spain, 1942–1982

Hell-Bent for Leather

Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western

Hearing Voices

Aurality and New Spanish Sound Culture in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Terrorizing Gender

Transgender Visibility and the Surveillance Practices of the U.S. Security State

Life among the Indians

First Fieldwork among the Sioux and Omahas

Black Print with a White Carnation

Mildred Brown and the Omaha Star Newspaper, 1938-1989

Borrowing from Our Foremothers

Reexamining the Women's Movement through Material Culture, 1848–2017

Grit and Ghosts

Following the Trail of Eight Tenacious Women across a Century

Working Women, Entrepreneurs, and the Mexican Revolution

The Coffee Culture of Córdoba, Veracruz


A Farm Daughter's Lament

Art from Trauma

Genocide and Healing beyond Rwanda

The Mysterious Private Thompson

The Double Life of Sarah Emma Edmonds, Civil War Soldier

Recovering Women's Past

New Epistemologies, New Ventures

Romance with Voluptuousness

Caribbean Women and Thick Bodies in the United States

Women on the Move

The Forgotten Era of Women's Bicycle Racing

The Sisterhood

The 99ers and the Rise of U.S. Women's Soccer

Beyond Bend It Like Beckham

The Global Phenomenon of Women's Soccer

On Women and Judaism

A View From Tradition

Daughters of 1968

Redefining French Feminism and the Women's Liberation Movement

Pauline Frederick Reporting

A Pioneering Broadcaster Covers the Cold War


A Memoir of Identity and Other Illusions

From Back Alley to the Border

Criminal Abortion in California, 1920–1969

Sisters at Sinai

New Tales of Biblical Women

On the Sidelines

Gendered Neoliberalism and the American Female Sportscaster

Women Writing Women

The Frontiers Reader

Finding the Woman Who Didn't Exist

The Curious Life of Gisèle d'Estoc

Political Godmother

Nackey Scripps Loeb and the Newspaper That Shook the Republican Party

Nepantla Squared

Transgender Mestiz@ Histories in Times of Global Shift

The Camp Fire Girls

Gender, Race, and American Girlhood, 1910–1980

Burning the Breeze

Three Generations of Women in the American West

Imperial Zions

Religion, Race, and Family in the American West and the Pacific


Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies, and Spaces

Birthing the West

Mothers and Midwives in the Rockies and Plains

Too Good to Be Altogether Lost

Rediscovering Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books

From the Garden Club

Rural Women Writing Community

Domesticating the West

The Re-creation of the Nineteenth-Century American Middle Class

Put Your Hands on Your Hips and Act Like a Woman

Black History and Poetics in Performance

They Called Them Angels

American Military Nurses of World War II

White Mother to a Dark Race

Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940

Travels with Frances Densmore

Her Life, Work, and Legacy in Native American Studies


A Novel of Women Walking West

Seyder Tkhines

The Forgotten Book of Common Prayer for Jewish Women

Death Zones and Darling Spies

Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting

Girl Archaeologist

Sisterhood in a Sexist Profession

Pathologies of Love

Medicine and the Woman Question in Early Modern France

She Can Bring Us Home

Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, Civil Rights Pioneer

War Flower

My Life after Iraq

A Time to Be Born

Customs and Folklore of Jewish Birth

Keeping the Campfires Going

Native Women's Activism in Urban Communities

Riding Pretty

Rodeo Royalty in the American West

The Bower Atmosphere

A Biography of B. M. Bower


A Women's History

Jewish Voices in Feminism

Transnational Perspectives

Wrapped in the Flag of Israel

Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture, Revised Edition

Before Amelia

Women Pilots in the Early Days of Aviation

Their Own Frontier

Women Intellectuals Re-Visioning the American West

Thanks for the Memories

Love, Sex, and World War II

Winnie Davis

Daughter of the Lost Cause

Theresa Bernstein

A Century in Art

Waiting for Rain

Reflections at the Turning of the Year

Changing Woman

A Novel of the Camp Grant Massacre

Queen of the Fall

A Memoir of Girls and Goddesses

Following the Drum

Women at the Valley Forge Encampment

Nebraska Volleyball

The Origin Story

From Colony to Nation

Women Activists and the Gendering of Politics in Belize, 1912-1982

Make a Beautiful Way

The Wisdom of Native American Women

The Incorrigibles

Eugenics and Sterilization in the Kansas Industrial School for Girls

Empowerment of North American Indian Girls

Ritual Expressions at Puberty

A Lenape among the Quakers

The Life of Hannah Freeman

Ellen Browning Scripps

New Money and American Philanthropy

California Dreams and American Contradictions

Women Writers and the Western Ideal

Telltale Women

Chronicling Gender in Early Modern Historiography

Storying Domestic Violence

Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners

Champion of Choice

The Life and Legacy of Women's Advocate Nafis Sadik

Whiskey Women

The Untold Story of How Women Saved Bourbon, Scotch, and Irish Whiskey

Women and Children First

Nineteenth-Century Sea Narratives and American Identity

Staging Family

Domestic Deceptions of Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Actresses

Phoebe Apperson Hearst

A Life of Power and Politics

Chicana Leadership

The Frontiers Reader

I'll Go and Do More

Annie Dodge Wauneka, Navajo Leader and Activist

Sarah Laughed

Modern Lessons from the Wisdom and Stories of Biblical Women

Holding On

African American Women Surviving HIV/AIDS

The Rebounders

A Division I Basketball Journey

Who Gets to Go Back-to-the-Land?

Gender and Race in U.S. Self-Sufficiency Popular Culture

Elizabeth Stuart Phelps

Selected Tales, Essays, and Poems

The Better Angels

Five Women Who Changed Civil War America


Harassment, Abuse, and Violence Online

Heroic Hearts

Sentiment, Saints, and Authority in Modern France

Mad Seasons

The Story of the First Women's Professional Basketball League, 1978-1981

From Angel to Office Worker

Middle-Class Identity and Female Consciousness in Mexico, 1890–1950

Hybrid Anxieties

Queering the French-Algerian War and Its Postcolonial Legacies

The Lost Matriarch

Finding Leah in the Bible and Midrash

Bright Epoch

Women and Coeducation in the American West

Place and Postcolonial Ecofeminism

Pakistani Women's Literary and Cinematic Fictions

First Laugh

Essays, 2000-2009

San Francisco's Queen of Vice

The Strange Career of Abortionist Inez Brown Burns

A Game of Their Own

Voices of Contemporary Women in Baseball

Almost Somewhere

Twenty-Eight Days on the John Muir Trail

Bad Tourist

Misadventures in Love and Travel

Opening Acts

Narrative Beginnings in Twentieth-Century Feminist Fiction

From Miniskirt to Hijab

A Girl in Revolutionary Iran


Navigating a Year in Iraq

When Women Ruled the Pacific

Power and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Tahiti and Hawai‘i

The First We Can Remember

Colorado Pioneer Women Tell Their Stories

The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902

Immigrant Housewives and the Riots That Shook New York City

Cora Du Bois

Anthropologist, Diplomat, Agent

The Rebbe's Daughter

Memoir of a Hasidic Childhood

The Pat Boone Fan Club

My Life as a White Anglo-Saxon Jew

The Mayans Among Us

Migrant Women and Meatpacking on the Great Plains

Deco Body, Deco City

Female Spectacle and Modernity in Mexico City, 1900–1939

Gendering Radicalism

Women and Communism in Twentieth-Century California

Words Like Daggers

Violent Female Speech in Early Modern England


Writing the Life of Ona Simaite

Vanished Arizona

Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman, Second Edition

Muscogee Daughter

My Sojourn to the Miss America Pageant

Fabulous Harlequin

ORLAN and the Patchwork Self

A Hemisphere of Women

The Founding and Development of the Inter-American Commission, 1915–1939

Of Love and War

Pacific Brides of World War II

Knocked Down

A High-Risk Memoir

Fruits of Victory

The Woman's Land Army of America in the Great War

Gothic Queer Culture

Marginalized Communities and the Ghosts of Insidious Trauma

A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time

Julia Wilbur's Struggle for Purpose

Isabel “Lefty” Alvarez

The Improbable Life of a Cuban American Baseball Star

From Society Page to Front Page

Nebraska Women in Journalism

The Women Who Built Omaha

A Bold and Remarkable History

Selected Writings of Victoria Woodhull

Suffrage, Free Love, and Eugenics

Religious, Feminist, Activist

Cosmologies of Interconnection